Friday, January 4, 2019

Little ONE First Birthday card

 Hello everyone and Happy New Year to you all! Today I have a super fun 1st Birthday card to share using Really Reasonable Ribbon, flowers and embellishments. Its been a while since I've made any cards, and this one is super special as I made it for our Grandson's 1st Birthday!

On my card I decided to use Really Reasonable Ribbons Delicate Stitched Satin in blue to create a bow to put behind the little tag that says Little ONE. The fox and that tag were both cut out of the design paper, as this darling paper is so sweet and I thought it was perfect for my grandson's birthday. The fox I chose is a CC die and thought it would be cute colored up along with a little cupcake with a number 1 candle. I then added some RRR rose buds and some branches and leaves to the area around the fox and cupcake. I added some glitter to the cupcake and to the top of the candle. Lastly I did add a couple of cute flower embellishments from Really Reasonable Ribbon as I thought they would be so darling on the card and give it a little glitz.
 Really Reasonable Ribbon Supplies Used:
Delicate Stitched Satin Ribbon
Rose Buds white, and blue
embellishments Pearl Daisy Flower
resin flowers with rhinestone
foam tabs
scotch advanced tape

other supplies used 
distress ink
sewing machine
pebbles design paper
American crafts card stock

I really enjoyed making my card for today's post.  It felt good to get back into the card making, can't wait to make my next one! 

I hope you enjoyed my post for today, and thank you for stopping by! Hope you have a lovely day!
Hugs to all,


  1. I love the card, but can't find the die anywhere. Help.

  2. This is incredibly sweet! And stunning.


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