Friday, August 27, 2010


Contest is now closed and winner has been selected. Thanks so much!

This post will remain at the top until the drawing on 8/27. Please scroll down for new daily posts.

Wowzers!! We hit a milestone here on the RRR blog sooner than I ever imagined. We have over 300 followers!! Yeahhh!!!! How exciting is that?!!

In order to celebrate, we have a super blog candy up for grabs. All of the items shown below are available at Really Reasonable Ribbon.

Lots of great ribbon, trims and embellishments. This will keep you going in challenges for quite a while! Speaking of challenges, be sure to swing by our current challenge theme and take a look. Maybe you'll be inspired to enter a project of your own. New challenge themes are posted on the 1st and the 15th of each month.

How do you sign up for a chance to win this great prize?

We'd love it if you would do one or more of the following:
  • Become a follower. We LOVE having you come by and our followers help us out in so many ways.
  • Grab our 'I love RRR' badge and display it on your blog (it's located at the top of the right column).
  • Tell your friends about us and our giveaway. Blog about it, twitter it, facebook it or just tell a friend.

In order to be entered in the drawing, please leave a comment on this blog post telling us what you'd like to see on the RRR blog. What kind of projects are you interested in? Are you a scrapper, a card maker, a bow maker, something else? Last time we asked we got lots of requests for ribbon flowers and challenges. We happily provided both. What would you like to see now?

The winner of the blog candy drawing will be announced on Friday 8/27. We will choose the winner from the numbered comments using Random.Org. Good Luck!!!

Don't forget to stop by for our blog hop on Friday the 13th! We've got lots of great projects and surprises planned for you. See you then!


  1. I am already a follower, I have your blinkie on my blog in two places.
    I am always thrilled to see more scrapbooking layout ideas using your products. Love love your products. Remember I wrote a review to share with my followers. Hope lots of people came to buy!

  2. I'm a follower and have one of your badges on my sidebar for one of the challenges I had the honor of winning!! I love the challenges and tutorials on techniques. I am a card making paper crafter, but enjoy making altered art/gifts too ... love everything shabby, vintage and antique! Thanks for offering this wonderful prize package -- crossing my fingers {and toes}!

  3. I am a followers :) I am mainly a layout scrapper, but I love the card challenges because they give me great inspiration!

  4. I'm a follower & love your blog!!! I love anything shabby/chic! I posted your RRR badge on my blog too!

  5. I'm a follower! I scrapbook! I don't always comment, but I always enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for a chance to win!

  6. I am a follower and I updated my blog with your blinkie :) I love the variety of ribbon I am seeing lately and the wonderful inspiration from teh various contributors!

  7. Already a follower and monthly kit buyer, love the idea and the tutorial you provide and all the very talented ladies here, just continue to create and amaze all of us. Keep up the great work ladies

  8. Hi I'm a follower of your blog. I haven't yet entered any of your challenges...but will do :) I have told a friend about your blog & hope that she will become a follower too. I am a stamper/scrapbooker & I don't think I have put a design together without using ribbon so all your ideas give me inspiration. Thanks for all that you do :) Have a great week.

  9. Wow great stuff. I wandered over here via google. I have posted your link and badge on my blog as well as shared via twitter. I would love to see some projects making hand made scrapbook embellishments...I will be back to check the out ;)

  10. WooHoo! I'm already a follower. Have been for some time now. I'm always looking for ways to use my ribbon, from ways of tying it, to weaving it, etc. etc. etc. I'd love a tutorial maybe once or twice a week on a new way to use my ribbons and trim. Mostly I work with cards, layouts and I make jewelry. Thanks for the chance to win some great products too.

  11. OMGosh you know I am a follower and a true believer in your ribbons, challenge & blog! I want this candy (hey no harm in being honest)LOL. Thanks for the chance!

  12. I'm a follower of your blog.

    I love ribbon. I'm a cardmaker but would also like to see

    - ideas for using ribbon to embellish book projects e.g bind it all projects

    - ways to use ribbons and buttons together on cards.

    - ribbon ideas for vintage cards

    - using baker's twine on cards

    - stamping and/or printing on ribbon

    Many thanks

  13. I am already a follower. Would love to see more ribbon on scrapbook layouts. I scrapbook some but have a hard time using ribbon on my layouts.

  14. Beautiful candy!!!! Beautiful candy!!!! Everything I wouyld put in a wish list and more. I am already a follower and lovew what you ladies do on here. I am a scrapbooker and cardmaker. I would love to see more scrapbooking LO....don't get me wrong I love the cards and altered items too...just want to see more LO's. I love the challenges....and I wouldn't change anything guys do a great job and the prize are amazing too!!

    Thank you ladies for putting this together!!


    P.S. I completed all the requirements to enter into the drawing.

  15. I'm a follower, I'd love to see more scrapbooking layouts. Typically I make cards, but those pictures are piling up there ready to be scrapbooked and I would love to see some new layouts and ideas using ribbon.

  16. I receive your post updates in my inbox. I love seeing the different techniques your DT come up with! They are so very creative!! I'm a cardmaker through and through, but so enjoy expanding my horizons with different products. I would love to see projects using lots of LACE : )

    I'll update my blog with your blinkie ♥

    Love and hugs ~

  17. Hi I resently found your site and became a follower and have entered my first challenge black and white this time. I love making cards and ought to do more scrap booking as I have so many photos that need it. I also enjoyed your recent ribbon flower tutorial and had a play myself , will post on my blog later, but love to learn new techniques. Thanks , off to add your blinkie now.

  18. I'm a follower! I love to scrapbook, so I would love to see ideas on how to use ribbon in our layouts.

  19. OMGoodness!! If I win this it would be like having a second Birthday!! Yum yum... i am a follower, and I just love those laces and trims. I would like to see more bows tutorials and ideas using ribbons please. Thank you xxx

  20. i am a follower as i love to look at all the amazing ways ribbons are used for so many projects! i am a card maker but love to make altered gifts and beautiful presentations when giving a gift so i woiuld love some ideas of how to incorporate more ribbons in gift wrapping some unique presentations. in the past i have created artful designs like curls in curls ...almost suess like, any ideas in that area? check sidebar

  21. I am a follower, and am about to grab your blinkie to put on my sidebar. I would LOVE to see different ways to use ribbon OTHER than ribbon flowers. For example, different kinds of knots through various elements of a card (holes, hardware, etc.) I need more ideas on that! Thanks so much!

  22. congrats on 300 followers
    i've put the bagde on my sidebar and the candy to
    thanks for the chance hun
    i make cards and scrap wood objects
    i would love to see, ribbons in vintage style to put on a project or card
    hugs angelique

  23. Hello!
    I am already a follower. I have your blinkie on my blog ))
    I love cardmaking a lot, but recently I am absolutely mad on ATCmaking... I love these ribbons a lot. Thanks for the chance to win them ))
    I like the card challenges )
    I linked it on sidebar ))

  24. Ok, I'm a follower, has already posted the raffle on my blog and would like to read about different ways to use our tapes in LOs scrap! I hope to be lucky and win this beautiful kit! Kisses!

  25. hi there! i'm already a follower. :) as for what i'd like to see in the future -- creative ways to use ribbons on scrapbook layouts -- other than as flowers. :) thanks for the chance.

  26. I just found you and am a happy new follower! I am always interested in new technique and ideas for ribbon, which I love and is on almost every one of my cards and LOs!

  27. I am already your follower,and I have your blinkie on my blog in the left side...I love to see how to make ruffle ribbon how to make flower ribbon how to do with ribbon in all way..hope you will show us this on this lovely blog and thanks for the yummy giveaway...hugs, Monika

  28. I follow you in Google Reader and I really love your blog - I've been terrible about playing along.

    I'd love to see original ways to use ribbon in masculine cards and layouts.

  29. I am now a follower and I added your button to my sidebar, I would enjoy seeing different ways to use your ribbon on cards and layouts, thanks for the chance to win

  30. i am a cardmaker and some flower crafting. Would like to see more variations of making ribbon flowers.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I am already a follower and have happily put up your badge and a post about your BEAUTIFUL ribbon giveaway. Thank you so much for a chance to win it :))))))))

    I'd love to see some cards and layout featuring lace!

  33. I am a follower and have added your button. I make cards, I really like different ribbon flowers, and I want to know how everyone is making the loopy bows with seam binding, like on vintage cards. I keep trying and they just don't look right, everyone says they are easy, but I need a tutorial. Thanks for the chance.

  34. First of all, holy guacamole! Love the chance to win this delightful little bit of candy. I'm such a ribbon fiend! Any projects with new uses for ribbon are great. I've been into making fun clips and headbands for my daughter and niece lately, so that would be cool. I'm also a huge scrapper, so you can never go wrong with that, either.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a yummy prize.
    Off to win, er, I mean share about your fun giveaway! :)

  35. I'm a follower and love your site. I love to do cards and layouts so any ideas or challenges are great. I know vintage it the big thing but I love bright colors too. Stacy H-W

  36. I'm making cards.
    I would love to see more tutorials,there are so many techniques and it is always great to learn something new.
    I love flowers and ribbons on my projects so tutorials of "how to make" would be great!
    Thanks for the chance!

  37. I am already a follower and a Club member. I have linked the candy you are offering to my sidebar.
    I have been seeing many cards with layers of ribbon. I would like to see more of this, so I can figure what goes with what. It looks so pretty when it is done.

  38. I am already a follower. I am a stamper/card maker but I would love to see some non-stamping ways to use ribbon.

  39. Good Morning!!! Now a follower,have your Blinkie, & added to FB. I am a card maker, love bows and shabby chic. I enjoy your blog and love all the ideas you have added. Keep up the good work. A fun stop Tutorials are always nice but if there is a good DT thats the best..

  40. I'm now a follower. Your Blinkie is on my sidebar and a picture of your candy is also there at the top of my blog. Thanks for the chance on winning some of your wonderful goodies.

  41. I am a follower - so glad I found you through one of my friends! WOWZERS - what an awesome place for ribbon. And I use tons of it! I have you on my sidebar, and I alerted my friends on FB. Because I'm new ot your blog, I don't know what you've shown. However, I never tire of seeing embellishments made from ribbon!!

  42. I don't have a blog but I love to follow yours..good luck to everyone who has entered for this amazing candy.
    I would love to see different items with lace and ribbon.

    Love Sheila xx

  43. I am a follower already and have a link in my sidebar to your candy. Also have your badge on my blog. I would love to see flowers made with ribbon. Thanks for a chance to win your candy.

  44. I'm already a follower and your Badge is on my blog sidebar. I'd love to see cardfront size pieces of Battenberg lace, is there such a thing? I love lace and ribbon on cards :-)
    Congratulations on 300 followers!!!

  45. I'm a cardmaker and all around craft person who's addicted to ribbon so this is a great site for I'd love to see ideas on stamping on ribbon and using it to embellish gift items. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

    - DebbieK
    d kaste at wi dot rr dot com

  46. I am a scrapper and I like to see pages with ribbon designs (not flowers). Also like ribbon corners. Thanks for the chance to win!

  47. Oh, joy! A ribbon giveaway! I am a paper crafter and primarily design quick and clever projects for a class I teach every other month at my local scrapbook store. I'd love to see projects where ribbons with patterns are paired with matching papers with complimentary patterns. Also, I love quick bow ideas!

  48. Just found your blog and I enjoy using ribon on my cards. Any new ideas are great to learn about how to use ribbon on your cards.

  49. Hello! I've become a follower and I've put a link to this page in my sidebar.
    I am a card maker. Now for the suggestions:
    Either create coordinating packs (ribbons+paper+embellies) or give advice on which papers have the same colors as the ribbons (maybe a partnership with a paper company?)

  50. Hello! I followed the rules to participate so cute prize! thank you very much!

  51. Oh wow That is some great ribbon and embellishments..thank you so much for the chance to win.. I am a follower....

  52. What a fun hop and so much inspiration too and so many pretty ribbons, thanks for sharing.

  53. Hello! I followed the rules to participate so cute prize! thank you very much

  54. how GREAT this site is... how GREAT it would be to
    get lucky here.. making cards and scrapbook pages
    makes me feel GREAT.. it would be GREAT to see *how-to's* on ribbon flowers w/ buttons and borders.. ty

  55. I'm a followers--and I'd love to see more tutorials and challenges on your great site!

  56. I am a new follower and cardmaker! I like to see tutorials on new techniques and challenges are good too! Thanks for a chance to win some AMAZING candy! I really like this blog!

  57. I would like to see more scrapbook layouts with ribbons. I tend to only use ribbons on cards... That's gonna change ;)

  58. Fantastic Candy :)
    I love to see some Tut's on New Techniques and love looking at all the different ways to use them I follow and linked you up
    thanks for the chance
    hugs Nikki

  59. Of course I'd love to be a follower...I think you are great.

    I love seeing 3-d art with the, leaves and I've even seen people. I love that.

  60. Hello there:0) I am a new follower and I have enjoyed looking through your blog. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous candy. I have posted you on my blog;0)

    Cecelia Blanco

  61. What wonderful candy!! I don't have any suggestions for your blog at this time. I already love it!!! THANKS!

  62. I am a follower and I am a card maker and scrap booker... I love seeing tutorials and new techniques..

  63. I am a card maker and album maker and love adding ribbon to my projects. I am so happy to have come across this blog today.

  64. Just found this blog so I am not sure what I would want to see. I am layout scrapbooker and have a ton of ribbon, so more ways to incorporate ribbon into my pages.

    Just became a follower and will add your blinkie to my blog. Thanks.

  65. I've been a follower and enjoy your postings and seeing the various ways ribbon can be used. I would love to see a tutorial on bow tying! I have added your blinkie to my blog. Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!

  66. I am a your blog.....I would love to see more un conventional ways to use ribbon on cards or a page..........thanks for the chance to win!!!

  67. Well I just now found you! I follow and I've put this on my sidebar. I'd love to see different ways to use ribbons, especially on cards. Something other than only bows! I've looked back through (a little) and will be doing more going back through.

  68. I just recently found the RRR blog and I LOVE ribbons! I'm a follower now...and I would love to win this assortment. Thanks for the chance!

  69. I just became a follower. Thanks for sharing some excellent ideas. I am a scrapbooker and I would love to see more ribbons used in layouts. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  70. I have become a follower after seeing your blog advertised by Jacque from Jacque's Joie de Vivre.
    I am both a scrapbooker and cardmaker and love anything with a vintage look and feel to it. So far, I've loved everything I've seen here and look forward to scooping lots of great ideas from your site. Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy!!
    Deb xoxo

  71. COngrats on reaching 300 followers! :) Proud to be one of them. Im lucky enough to have a challenge winner badge on my blog! I love everything you do, Im a card maker and a scrapper you meet all my needs! *laugh* Maybe some more altering type things?

  72. I love this site!!! I am a scrapper, cardmaker, and paper crafter. I LOVE ribbon...have a bit of an obsession with it! LOL...I would love to see more altered arts or paper crafts!

  73. I really love to see al sorts of cards using ribbon or lace. Thanks for a chance to win these pretty candy. I love using it.
    I'm from The Netherlands and i hope to win this yummy candy!


  74. I'm already a follower. I'm mostly a card maker so I enjoy the beautiful cards you have posted here. But any ideas of how to use ribbon are good.

  75. I just became a follower today. I discovered your website by seeing it advertised by Jacque from Jacque's Joie de Vivre. I'm a card maker. I would like to see tutorials and ideas of how to use ribbons on my cards.

    Thanks for a chance to win some neat and fun candy.

  76. I'm a follower. I mostly scrap with a few cards thrown in here and there. I would love to learn how to make bows though!

  77. Love the ribbon. I've been a follower for awhile so today I am sharing RRR on facebook.

  78. I love cards that are decorated with ribbon. I think it just spruces them up so pretty! I am now a follower and have added your blinkie to my blog. I'd love to win this prize!

    Hugs, Linda

  79. I've just started following, so I don't have much to comment about what I'd like to see. I love cards with ribbons on them. I will share you on my FB page.

    Hugs, LInda

  80. I am a follower. Like that the blog has realistic ideas that inspire creativity

  81. Hi!!!

    Now I'm a follower.
    I like flowers.
    I discover the cards and they are beautiful.

    Thanks the chance to win.

    Sara de HC.

  82. I am a follower of your blog... and I'm about to post this on my blog:

    For what I'd like to see on the blog, I'd LOVE to see ribbons used on cards and ATCs.

  83. how 'bout "grunge" and altered cigar boxes? your give-away is on my blog: thank you for the opportunity.

  84. What would I like to see on RRR blog? More blog hops! These gals are talented with a capitol T! I am so glad I found you. I favorited you and subscribed. I don't want to miss a thing!
    Sharon L

  85. I also just found your blog, and I must say, I love your work!! I like the variety of cards shown. As for something else, I am really into the Grunge, Distressed look right now, so would like to see more of that. I will have the privilege of spending the entire day out at Archiver's on Monday, so I will be sure to tell all the girls about your great site. Thank you. Linda S. in NE

  86. Great giveaway!!
    I'm already a follower and I'm on my way back to my blog with your blinkie :)
    I'd love to see different ways to tie and knot ribbon. It seems like I do the same old bow or knot every time I use ribbon on my paper projects.


  87. I'm a devoted follower! I am always looking for new ways to use ribbon, so I'd be interested in any techniques you can come up with!

  88. I'm a follower since a few days so i'mjust discovering the blog. I would like to see different ways to use ribbon and lace on cards.

    Thanks to win this greatcandy, the banner is on my sidebar.

  89. I started following your blog after joining in the recent blog hop and have put your badge and link in my sidebar. I love all the ideas for using ribbon on the blog and would love to see more x

  90. hi!
    i'm a new follower of your blog!
    thanks for the chance to win some yummy goodies!
    i'd love to see some altered stuff, books,boxes anything else that we can use ribbons on!

  91. I am a follower. I am a card maker and love the card challenge the most. I would love to see some scrapbook layout. once in a while, I will make one for my niece and nephew. Need some inspiration.

  92. Just became a follower and put your blinkie on my blog:
    Everything you ladies do is wonderful.. I am a card maker so the flowers are great.

  93. I just became a follower. Looking forward to looking through the blog and all the tutorials. I love my RIBBONS!!!

  94. I am a follower.I entered my first challenge this past week and was one of the top three!! I love the vintage lace and ribbon.

  95. I am a follower, too ~ I love ribbon, especially on cards. I receive your newsletter, and really enjoy the variety of tips and tutorials....thanks so much!

  96. Thanx for the inspiration and t'riffic blog candy opp! I'm happy to see more of the challenges, and mainly focus my energies mainly on cards but enjoy seeing scrapbook pages and other types of projects. Different ribbon techniques would be perfect!

  97. Hi there! I'm a follower and a card maker - I love adding ribbon and/or a bow on my creations!

    Thanks for a chance to win,


  98. Hi I am a follower, and have posted yoru candy on my blog x thanks for the blog candy x it is always tutorials for me, can never have enough!!! Leigh x

  99. I had fun on the hop! I'm a follower

  100. Hi ! I'm a follower and I posted your marvellous candy on Facebook. Go on with your wonderful challenges !

  101. I've only just found RRR so I'll have to check back through the blog to see what tutorials you've already done. I'm a card maker and usually only use ribbon for bows or knots, so I'd welcome any help you could give! Am now a follower

  102. I love your blog and anticipate purchases of your ribbon in the future. I am definitely a follower. No blog yet. I am a card maker, also. Right now I must admit I use this craft for a stress reducer as my DH is at home still as he continues his fight with cancer. We may be able to hold him for another 1-2 months tops. I love "window shopping" for ribbon and enjoy seeing the new products coming in. It does help ease my pain.
    Peace, Becky Johnson

  103. I am a follower and have your blinkie on my blog - I do all kinds of things but mostly card making and love ribbon! I would love to see more ideas and techs for ribbon uses.

  104. Oh goodie goodie......I just discovered your blog & website & love what I see. Can't wait to go exploring & see all of the wonderful things I can do with ribbon!
    I'm also adding your blinkie to my blog.
    Thanks a bunch!
    Happy Huggies ~

  105. i am a follower. I love all the beautiful eye candy. I need to learn how use ribbon in more ways than just "wrap around and tie a bow" so maybe some of your beautiful samples will rub off onto me. Thanks for the chance for candy. Looks like fun.

  106. I had you in my favorites but am now a follower. I am a scrapbooker and cardmaker so I love seeing creative ways to use ribbons on these.

  107. Spreading the word to my papercrafting friends. We all love ribbon and finding new ways to use it.

  108. Hiya,
    Just found your great blog and became a follwer. Off to explore it some more.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  109. I am a follower! I love your beautiful creations and all the ideas on how to use ribbon. I think tying things up with ribbon and adding a bow makes the world a better place...well, at least whatever I am working on! Thanks for sharing!!! :o)

  110. I am a follower....and I would love to see more card making...I'm just getting into making cards and look for a lot of great ideas so it would be really nice to see more cards!!! Thanks for this great chance to win this giveaway!!!

  111. I am new to your blog and love the colors and "decor". I love every type of ribbon, it offers so many possibilities, I'd like to see something in an altered art/hybrid project using a wide ric rac. Thank you!

  112. I'm already a follower, have your blinkie on my blog, ordered some fabby ribbon from you, and won a challenge...woohoo! Your DT is already providing some fabulous tutorials and beautiful eye I would say to keep doing what you are doing...'cause you sure do it right! *smile* I have been making lots of cards lately, but want do alter more boxes and gift packages, so any tips to help would be wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  113. I'm a follower, and I love your blog! I can always draw inspiration from your projects. I'm a cardmaker, and right now I'm in a "vintage" phase, so I would love to see some projects with that look. Thanks for the chance to win!

  114. what beautiful ribbons! thanks so much for offering this blog candy to all of us! i cant wait to see who the winner is! i followed, linked, and shared to Operation Write Home ladies on my facebook! i sure hope they are able to join in on the fun too :) good luck to everyone and thanks so much again!

  115. Hi, my name is Jessica. I am practically a part-time everything. I am a very novice scrapbook maker. Most recently I have switched out to card making and I enjoy it a lot more! I like making cards for deployed soldiers, and have focused really on making quality cards. I like adhesive ribbon to put on the card I make. So I would say quality adhesive that can stand up to shipping is important to me. Thanks for this contest!

  116. Just started following you guys and added the blinkie. I would love to see interesting ways to use lace in cards, other than as a border.

  117. I found your site through a friend's blog and have become a follower especially since I LOVE using ribbon on my LO's. I also grabbed your blinkie and posted it to my blog.
    Thanks so much for offering great blog candy.

  118. I am a follower. I love cardmaking and and a ribbon collector.

  119. Hii ..... I'm glad to see your blog. My blogger Indonesia. I'm here to establish freinds blog. If acceptable, stop at my blog. Thanks

  120. I've just become a follower and will put a link to this on my blog. I'm a card maker and I love sketch challenges.

  121. I am now a follower. I would love to see unique ideas on using ribbon on cards & pages.

  122. I am a new follower, although I usually come over from cheryl's blog. I love the things she creates with you beautiful ribbon! I don't have a blog, but pass on your website to my friends.

  123. I just became a follower and would love to see scrapbook layouts using ribbon. I also would like to see instructions on making flowers from ribbon. I don't have a blog yet but am inviting friends through facebook.

  124. I am a new follower, I have added your badget to my blog. I'm a scrapper and I adore ribbon and love seeing new varieties...!Thanks for the chance to win.. I really hope I do!!! :)

  125. I came over to check out your blog because Becca and Jacque sing your praises. I am loving what I see so I’m a new follower. I make cards mostly and I love no I ADORE ribbons. I don’t have a blog yet so I’m not sure if I qualify for this giveaway but if I do I’d love to win.
    Hugs & Blessings

  126. Hey, i did all of that to qualify for the candy. I simply adore ribbons! They are there in almost each one of my creations. I usually make a lot of cards, occasionally scrap and also make collages for my friends on their special occasions.

  127. Hi,

    I would like to see somethings about animals with the ribbons.

    I posted the challenge on my blog! (

    x Inge

  128. I followed your lovely blog! I am a bow maker and I would LOVE to see anything having to do with bows, headbands, fun girly things, etc.

  129. I followed your blog! I make bows and scrapbook. I would like to see scrapbook layouts! Thank you for the chance to win! :)

  130. Hey there, awesome blog. I have always loved seeing new techniques and tutorials when it comes to browsing blogs. I am always on the lookout for new techniques and have never hesitated at trying something new. Other then that your blog looks awesome. Thanks for the chance, I spread the word on my sidebar and have become a follower
    Hugs, Rosalee

  131. Hello;
    What I'd like to see??? Apart from what you already have?? Keep on doing those tutorials on how to fold cards or do funny things with ribbons - your speciality!!

    I'm a follower already and now I have you candy and your badge on my side-bar! Those ribbons are welcome to me!!


  132. I'm a follower; love seeing your new project every day; wonderful inspiration. I mainly do cards, but would also like to see ribbon used on little books/journals. Thanks.

  133. Thanks for giving me the chance to win. I've put the badge bere: and I've written to my scrapfriends on Facebook about your competition :)

    Hugs, Hilde

  134. Wow! Thanks for a chance to win such awesome candy! Personally, I'd love to see even more tutorials. Perhaps linked directly from the product sale pages.

  135. I am a follower via my twitter account =)
    I'd love to see more tutorials on how to take your ribbon further. Ruffles, flowers, tabs, etc. I am a scrapper and a cardmaker, and I use ribbon and trims on both.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  136. I am already a follower!! Love your blog..

    I would love to see ways to use more ribbon, trims, lace etc.. :)

  137. I'm already the follower
    I'm a card-maker, and really interested in challenges where we need to use ribbons)))

  138. I like to see more bow maker. I tried on my own but did not work out. Unfortunately, there is no classes on bow making. Thus, a video or step by step graphics would be useful.

  139. Thanks for a chance to win your yummy blog candy!
    sorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
    public slidebar on
    Hugs, rosa
    i am old follower
    blog creative:

  140. I am a follower now and always enjoy what you share. I like anything that helps me dress up my cards using ribbon. Thanks for the chance to win.

  141. I am a follower. I'd love it all ! I am a scrapper and a cardmaker, and I use ribbon and trims on both.

  142. I'm following and I've put the badge and a link in my sidebar . I make both cards and scrapbooklayouts, so any inspiration is welcome! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  143. I just found your blog and am now a follower. Can't wait to look back at all your projects. I scrapbook and tend to use a lot of ribbon. I would like to see easy ways to make hairbows (but you probably already have done that) as well as new ideas for using ribbon in scrapbooking and home decorating. I love RIBBON!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  144. WOW! Love all of your gorgeous ribbons. Love all of the inspiration on your blog as well.

  145. I'm a follower and added a link to the sidebar
    I love the challenges.
    Thank you so much for the chance

  146. already a follower, loving your yummy candies...
    waiting if my luck turns this time
    your logo looks ausome on my blog..spreading a word about your blog..they are loving it.

  147. I am a follower, i am also an avid paper crafter covering all spheres of paper craft and am constantly on the lookout for 3d inspiration. I shall add your banner to my sidebar and advertise your candy, thanks for the chance at getting my hands on some really great stash.

  148. I wasn't a follower but i am so glad my friend shared this info!!! yikes i'm a member i'm a member!! I already added your banner and will pass downb the info of the candy. I'm always in a look out to see what else we can do with pretty ribbon besides bows.I EAGER TO LEARN SPECIALLY TO LEARN HOW TO DO FLOWERS WITH THEM!Thanks for the chance on winning awsome candy!!RubyM:)

  149. Hi, I'm Maggiolina from Italy... i'd like to particpate to your giveaway, I'm already a follower, i just pu your badege in my blog on the right and now i'm going to write on my blog about your blog anc candy... I'd like to do scrapbooking, someitmesa I try because I like it very much... but I usually spend my free time with cross stich and crochet.... Bye bye, Maggiolina

  150. hi!!!i'm a new follower and i love your ribbons!!!!!
    here are my blog

    i'm a cardmaker and a scrapper and i like more tutorials.
    bye bye

  151. Congratulations on your milestone! I would love to see more layouts on your blog (I am not a card girl).

  152. Wow what beatiful ribbons! LOL Hence the name! lol Thanks for the chance to win some of them. What a nice thing to do!

  153. Wow, awesome prize!!!!! I would love to see more ideas for using ribbons on cards besides the regular ol' knot or bow.

  154. I'm in love with ribbons, laces, flowers and "A few things more lol"
    I work with all kinds of crafts, but thees weeks mostly cards, you are welcome to my blog to see what I am doing :o)

  155. Hello,
    I have become a follower of your blog :o)
    I have seen so many blog's with your beautiful ribbon used I couldn't help myself!
    I am always on the look out for crocheted flowers. They are hard to find and expensive. I like single or double layers only so that I can add to them.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win your great blog candy.
    Hugs, Candy

  156. I would love to see more scrapbook layouts. But truly I appreciate what you do have here. It is just fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

  157. I've just become a follower! I'm mostly a card maker, and it would be really interesting to have tutorials of things you can do with your ribbon other than just using them as a simple bow! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win :)

  158. I have become your follower.have also posted your badge as well as candy image on my blog sidebar
    I already love the ribbons u display
    would like to see more cards..only with those ribbons

  159. Anytime you post a tutorial, I am grateful! I am a follower. I intend to become a club member this fall!

  160. I recently found your blog and became a follower - can't wait to try a challenge! I do cards and scrapbook pages.

  161. Thanks for the candy chance, am posting your blinkie as we speak! I would love help with using really broad ribbons on my cards. I am also stuck with that and just stick to half inch and less. Hugs

  162. I am a cardmaker and wannabe scrapper. :) I would any ideas on using ribbon other than just running it across the bottoms of my cards!

  163. I hope to see ideas for using ribbon in unusual ways or made into unique bows--something beyond the regular 2 loops and 2 tails.

  164. I am a follower just now. You have a great blog, and I wish I could see more tutorials using ribbons besides card making. And thank for this blog candy. I'd love to win.

  165. I am already a follower love your ideas that have been shown.would love to see ways with weaving ribbons ,and more flowers.thanks for chance to win.
    hugs judex

  166. Beautiful candy!
    I'd love to see tutorials on creating frames with ribbon and also ribbon weaving - I'm a card maker.
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  167. I am a daily follower. No blog yet. Would love to see a step by step tutorial on sailors' knots
    and perhaps other types of knots.
    Peace, Becky Johnson

  168. I followed your blog. I would like to see more giveaways so my wife stops spending so much money on ribbon for her bows...

  169. I would love ribbon and bow tutorials for ideas of new ways to use ribbon. Thanks for the candy chance.

  170. i follow and put the badge on my blog!

    i would love to see projects with ribbon stiff....just curious to see how it works and wondering if i should take the plunge

  171. Hi, I love the design of this site. I would love to see patterned ribbon used on a card or layout. I just love all kinds of ribbon and have quite a large stash. This is aloha from Hawaii


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