Friday, August 20, 2010

Ruffles Anyone?

OK, as much I would really love some Ruffles potato chips (maybe with some French Dip?) right now, I am actually referring to "ruffled ribbon". Guess what? Surprise, surprise.... yes, I am using some of my "favorite" ribbons again! I know. I really can't help it. I am just drawn to the ginghams and dots. This red gingham just seemed perfect with these Nikki Sivils papers and photos from Disneyland. Also, you can find this fabulous ribbon HERE in the store.
Here is a short tutorial on how to make the ruffled ribbon using a stapler:
Step One
Take your length of ribbon - fold over a small section and staple.

Step Two

Fold over another section next to your previous stapled section and staple again.

Step Three

Now you are going to fold over the "opposite" side of the ribbon. Don't worry. This sounds more difficult than it actually is. I will show you a finished length, so you will see what I am talking about.

Step Four

Next you will make another fold and staple on the "opposite" side to match your previous fold and staple.

Step Five

Continue this - alternating which direction your fold lie and staple. You should come up with something that looks like this:

Hopefully, you can see by the photo how it alternates. Here is a another photo of how it looks complete. You can easily use this on a circular layout, as it naturally curves. You can also use it in a straight line as I did on my layout.

Have fun creating your easy ruffled ribbon!

Susan Dupre


  1. Thank you so much for the tips.... I can't wait to try this out...

  2. Terrific little tutorial!

  3. Thanks for the tutorial. Please check out my layout with the ruffled red gingham ribbon:

  4. Susan, this layout is so dang CUTE!! Love it!! Great tutorial, too!

  5. WOW! I love the way that ruffled ribbon looks and your tutorial was incredible! I hope it's okay... I made a card with this technique and put it on my blog today. I linked it to your blog so people could see where I got my inspiration. Here's the link if you want to check it out...

  6. Great tutorial! Have to try this soon :)


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