Saturday, November 24, 2012

Decorating with Ribbon

Christmas is my very most favorite time of the year, and decorating my house is high on my list of faves, too.  I will decorate every nook and is the clean up afterward that I don't like so much!  

Here is one of the many ways that I use my ribbons to assist me in my holiday decorating:
Ribbon can spruce up a plain light fixture!

I simply used a plain pine garland and wrapped some red ruffle ribbon and red gingham ribbon around it and stuffed it into the inside of my light fixture.  I used various lengths of 3/8 red grosgrain ribbon to hang some ornaments and viola...Drab to Fab!!!!
I sure hope that I have given you some inspiration today!  
Just pull out some ribbons and start adding it to your decorations! 
You will love the results!
Have a Fantabulous Day!


  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing it!

  2. What a great holiday decorating idea Misty. Ribbon jazzes up just about anything!

  3. Seeing your chandy all spruced up makes me think I'll do something I haven't since we bought our place.
    We have a light fixture, ceiling fan in our living room so think I'm gonna spruce it up for the first time. It will add some color and prettiness to our living room. Don't know why I've never done it before but first I'll have to give it a really good dusting, not my favorite job, ugh. Think I'll buy a pine garland at Michaels, (shoot they had them for $1.99 yesterday) but ah well they'll be on sale again. Give me time for dusting that monster and getting ideas how to decorate it. Your's is so pretty I just have to do something with mine now, thanks for the inspiration.


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