Friday, March 27, 2015

Emerald Tartan Plaid and Good Old Sport

Hello, Friends!  It's Kathy here, and I have a brand new ribbon "crush."  This Emerald Tartan Plaid Ribbon caught my eye, and I just had to work it up into  a vintage layered card made with Graphic 45 Good Old Sport papers.

I love the way the deep emerald green is mixed with navy blue stripes, and it makes it the perfect ribbon match for this pretty paper.

I did a bit of stitching on the layers, and matted everything with black cardstock to ground the card and unify all those yummy patterns.  Don't you love that this lady is dressed to go play golf?  I even managed to find a tiny green golf bag in my button stash. How amazing is that?  I added it to a flower cluster of Mixed Color Cosmos, Red Center Sweetheart Blossoms and Two Tone Blue Sweetheart Blossoms.

I can't imagine doing anything athletic in an outfit like this, but it sure does make for a fun card!

Hoping you all have a great day, and plenty of time for crafting this weekend!  Don't forget to link up your creations to the RRR Bright Spring Colors Challenge!  You still have time to throw your hat into the ring!




  1. That ribbon is gorgeous and your bow is beautiful. I also like how you added the ribbon to the tag. There are so many cool details on this piece.

  2. Oh wow this is stunning l love the tartan x

  3. What a fun card with all the goodies to look at and that sporty tartan ribbon the finishing touch! Thanks, Kathy and RRR!

  4. Stunning & Beautiful!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting With Creative M


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