Monday, July 13, 2020

Really Reasonable Ribbon July Blog Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to another amazing Blog Hop here at the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog!

Today you will see some great projects using our July Ribbon Club Assortment from our very talented design team. They always come up with some super ideas. 

Isn't this assortment great??  It contains 9 styles and a total of 18 yards.  If you aren't already a ribbon club member, why not join us today!  You will get a fun new ribbon assortment shipped automatically each month.

Now let's get hopping and see what our fabulous design team has created this month!

Here is our blog hop list.  If you get lost along the way, hop on back here and we'll get you back on track.

Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog

Now, be sure to leave some love at all the stops along the way. Your comments are most appreciated!

At the end of the hop, comment on this post answering the question below for a chance to win our July Ribbon Club assortment shown below.
Prize is offered to customers with US shipping addresses only.

Our question of the month is:
What crafty projects are you currently working on?

For me, the answer is none!  I got way behind with RRR work because of COVID and am still trying to catch up.  Also, I still have not set up my crafting area in my new home and that is going to be my next priority after I catch up.  I have some counters and work areas to build and then I need to upack and set up.  I'm a neat and organized crafter and it makes me crazy trying to work when I can't find anything, so it becomes a chore I dread rather than the fun activity I crave.  

Our winner will be selected from the numbered comments on this post on Friday, July 17th. Be sure to check back on Friday evening to see if you are our lucky winner.

Thanks so much for hopping with us today. We hope you'll stop by and so some shopping at Really Reasonable Ribbon soon.

~Bonnie Garby~


  1. I have actually done a lot of paper crafting during this pandemic. There are stamp companies that are participating in online "conventions", and I order the supplies and make projects along with their instructional videos. It's a great way to pass endless hours of time alone in my home. I love your beach themed ribbons this month!

  2. a new home! how exciting! have fun getting your craft area set up. :)

    I am by no means a fast crafter, but especially not these days. so I am giving myself lots of time to work on an anniversary journal for my husband. had made several birthday cards recently, as well as a wedding card for my son and his new wife! :) unfortunately, I learned this weekend that I need 4 condolence cards, so those will be my project for this week.

    the new ribbon assortment is fabulous! I love the beach/ocean theme! :)
    will try to get around to all of your teams lovely blogs as I am feeling able.
    enjoy your day!

  3. I have been using some OLD stuff from the craftroom such as 3D stickers and also some new dies I received - so I have been having a good time crafting most days during this lock in - but not all - Love the new ribbon - thanks for the hop!

  4. I have certainly done my share of "stimulating the economy!" Wonderful new stamps and die sets are just waiting to be put to good use. I've made several birthday and encouragement cards. I'm about to jump into "production mode" to create a batch of cards made from the amusing, and timely, "Living the Quarantine" paper collection by Photoplay...had to have this one as soon as it came out!! On the other hand...I am always very productive when I choose to stay home, but being forced to stay home finds me being a couch potato! Too many TV programs and YouTube videos!! This monthly Blog Hop always perks me up and makes me want to create!

  5. Love the ribbons - perfect to create cards to welcome the snowbirds back or if pandemic makes that impossible to remind them next year they need to return. The projects I have been working on are using new glimmer machine (I think I need an intervention). What fun and they say I can foil ribbon so you know what I will be doing if I win.

  6. I actually started a birthday card for my brother which is now going on 2 weeks. Good thing his birthday is in August.

  7. Wish I could say I’ve been crafting. I really need to work on some school scrapbooking. But I’m so tired after work I just sit and think about it. 😕 tligo

  8. Beautiful hop as always! I LOVE the shell ribbon!!! I am currently working on scrapbooking all my sister's run race photos for her for a birthday present August 25th... we are identical twins!

  9. Wonderful blog hop. I have been finishing up unfinished projects and organizing my craft room after a move. I also am still working on cards for our church card ministry. Don't know whether we will be having craft shows this Fall so I am holding off on those projects.

  10. Great hop featuring this pretty assortment of ribbons! Love the colors and theme!
    I have actually been working on holiday cards! I joined a monthly challenge group and am participating for 4 hours each month. I plan to have a nice stash of Christmas cards all ready to send out in December!

  11. I always have several birthday cards in the works during July! Hoping to finish soon. I really enjoyed the hop this month!

  12. Love the color combos available in this month's beach-y theme ribbons! Because of a serious dent in our finances (no spare dimes for new digis/stamps/supplies) plus all the down time due to the stay at home orders, I've been going through all my digi files, digging out and using old images which I'd forgotten. I've been on a coloring binge for 3 days now and tomorrow will begin making cards for both my Christmas and birthday stashes. Then, I'm going to look through the few drawers of rubber stamps I have left (I've pretty much switched entirely to digis but still have rubber stamps from a few favorite companies that I had to keep) and use some of the older/unused stamps for additional stash cards.

  13. I've loved the summer colored ribbon! I've been working on tons of thinking of you cards. Sending them to shut ins, nursing home residents, church family and friends. We need to be cheering people up in this crazy world!

  14. I am working on a baby junk journal for my niece's first child, and will be putting to use all that lace I bought from RRR.

  15. I don't have a project started right now but it will either be a card or a scrapbook layout. I am retired so the pandemic has not changed mycg for ne. Cute ribbons.

  16. I am working on a couple of birthday cards and cleaning out the craft room (I’m already finding things that I forgot I had!) so my dear husband can put in a countertop, desk, drawers and a slat wall.


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