Monday, June 24, 2024

It's Your Birthday!

Good Morning all our Ribbon Loving Friends!

Misty (@Mommyofkidz) here with you today sharing a super fun and super easy birthday card.  NO...I am not the card maker of the bunch...however, I am trying to be more pro-active when it comes to giving cards for special occasions.  I am not the type to go to the store to search through hundreds of pre-made cards looking for the "perfect"'s just not my style.  I AM, however, the type to MAKE that perfect one, despite my inadequacies of card making! In my opinion...


That being said...I want to share with you the card that I have put together for a very special 24th birthday girl coming up soon.

For this card, I definitely went WAY over the top...but hey, that's what I do! The products that I used from the Really Reasonable Ribbon Store are the 3/8 grosgrain rainbow striped ribbon, the silver metallic string, and the 10mm mixed color open mulberry roses

 I wanted to include a couple of gift cards, but I wanted to make sure that they were not difficult to remove from the sleeves.  Therefore, I hot glued a couple of ribbons to the backside of each gift card before inserting them into their sleeves. NO, the hot glue does not harm the integrity of the cards, and YES it is easily removed in order to use.  It just peels right off! 

The 3/8 grosgrain rainbow striped ribbon was the PERFECT accent to this bright and vibrant card!  TIP: When this ribbon is trimmed, it wants to fray jut a tiny bit. 

 You can use a lighter on low flame to heat seal the ends.  GENTLY touch the flame to the ends of the ribbon very quickly and the heat seals those frays.  DO NOT stay in one place for too long, as your ribbon will definitely catch fire.  

Once everything was all finished up, I noticed that the card did not want to stay closed, so I pulled out my handy dandy silver metallic string and wrapped it around the center of the card two or three times and then tied a simple bow in the center.  The simple bow is for easy removal...just untie it...AND it can be easily reapplied.  I mean, anyone can tie a bow in a string, right!? 

The last thing I need to do is to browse Bonnie Garby Designs and find the PERFECT Birthday Sentiment to go inside. She has so many options to choose from, this will likely be the most difficult part of the entire card!

Thank you so much for stopping by today!!  I enjoyed making this card, and I know the birthday girl will love it.  I also hope you got some inspiration from it...maybe you can get a little bit crafty today! 

Just head on over to the Really Reasonable Ribbon store and start filling your cart! 

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