Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Blog Candy WINNER!!

This is our second post of the day. Please scroll down so you don't miss the fabulous project that Angi has posted for us today.

I can't believe how many people dropped by to enter for a chance to win our prize.  We had over 400 entries!!  Welcome to all our new friends!  I hope you've had a chance to take a look around and that you will come back and visit us often.
Now on to selecting the winner of the fabulous prize below which contains a variety of items that can be found at Really Reasonable Ribbon.

And our winning number is...............................

Random Integer Generator
Here is your random number:  204
Timestamp: 2011-06-18 16:04:31 UTC
Congratulations Jan Scholl!!  Please contact us using the contact link above within 48 hours to claim your prize.

Now we also have two winners from our new followers on FaceBook that will each receive a $10 gift certificate to Really Reasonable Ribbon.  The FaceBook winners are:

Deanna Johnson Souza   and   
Patty Albertson

Now if you didn't win, no worries. We will be having another fun giveaway soon.

We hope you'll swing by the Really Reasonable Ribbon website and take a look around.  We have introduced a terrific new line of high quality grosgrain and we still have a few days left on our super grosgrain sale.  You'll find grosgrain prices up to 60% off!! 


  1. WOOOOOOO HOOOoo!!!! You are going to LOVE your super fantastic prize pack! Congratulations!!!!

  2. Congratulations to all the winners !!!

  3. hiya sweetie
    thank you for the chance hunni
    congrats to the winners
    have a great saturday sweeties
    hugs angelique

  4. Thanks for the chance to win... and congrats to the lucky ladies who did!

  5. Congrats winners! Can't wait to go shopping for fun stuff on payday and looking forward to the next drawing :)

  6. I hope this works. Blogger won't let me log in not for weeks on some blogs. Thanks so much for selecting my spot in the many who entered. I will be sure to share with my daughter as she is moving back to the area. I emailed you. I hope that still works. Thanks again.

  7. Congratulations to the winner your going to love this so end of your email address quickly...:) Sandra H

  8. Congrats to the winners

  9. Congrats to the winners, those are sooooooo yummy, enjoy!!!
    lotsa luv

  10. Congrats to Jan & Deanna! I'm pretty excited too that I won one of the gift certificates!!

  11. Congrats to the winners.. I am really happy for you all. Terri M of Two Pink Peas

    P.S. I am going to have a huge giveaway on my blog later on today or tomorrow that is this big so be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to enter. Thanks!


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