Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Really Reasonable Ribbon February Blog Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to another amazing Blog Hop here at the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog!

Today you will see some great projects using our February Ribbon Club Assortment from our very talented design team. They always come up with some super ideas. 

Isn't this assortment great??  It contains 9 styles and a total of 18 yards.  If you aren't already a ribbon club member, why not join us today!  You will get a fun new ribbon assortment shipped automatically each month.

Now let's get hopping and see what our fabulous design team has created this month!

Here is our blog hop list.  If you get lost along the way, hop on back here and we'll get you back on track.

Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog

Now, be sure to leave some love at all the stops along the way. Your comments are most appreciated!

At the end of the hop, comment on this post answering the question below for a chance to win our February Ribbon Club assortment shown below.
Prize is offered to customers with US shipping addresses only.

Our question of the month is:
I'm going with wishful thinking here:  What is your favorite springtime flower or your favorite sign that spring is right around the corner?

Our winner will be selected from the numbered comments on this post on Tuesday, February 20th. Be sure to check back on Tuesday evening to see if you are our lucky winner.

Thanks so much for hopping with us today. We hope you'll stop by and so some shopping at Really Reasonable Ribbon soon.

~Bonnie Garby~


  1. Hmmm...I love the bright yellow color and smell of Daffodils so they would have to be my favorite sign of Spring. They are a happy flower and also my birthday month flower!

  2. Purple Crocuses and White Snowdrops are the first signs of spring around here. Purple is one of my favorite colors. I really enjoyed this Blog Hop and found several people I've decided to follow because I love what they made this month. Thanks for the chance to win some lovely ribbons!

  3. Tulips are my favorite springtime flower. I love to see them blooming in beautiful colors all around our area in Fort Worth. I would love to win some of your lovely ribbons! Thanks for the opportunity.

  4. My faiver is the little yellow flowe Hestehov. I dont know what you col it....but this is the first flower that we can se inn springtime her in Norway.

  5. Tulips are my favorite spring flower, but they don't really grow here unless you plant them in a pot and force them. But, my roses bloom very well this time of year, so they are fast becoming my new "spring" favorite! Since it is always either spring or summer here...there is nothing to herald the change of seasons. If we get a lot of rain, then we will see lots of wildflower blooms all around, and the hills green up for a short while. ;)

  6. My favorite flower is the gardenia for it's heavenly scent.
    I'm looking forward to them blooming soon.

  7. The explosive growth of daffodils at the first hint of spring sunshine! Once those leaves start pushing up, I can be sure that winter temperatures are behind us. Lovely ribbon collection!!

  8. Lilacs are my favorite flowers! Any color represents Spring to me -- it is simply brown in my part of Arizona now. 😊 beautiful projects on your hop.

  9. I have 3 different types of daffodils and they will start blooming and i will have daffodils for weeks! I also love lilacs and I wish I had some in my yard!

  10. Fabulous hop! Tulips tell me spring is on the way here in Minnesota!

  11. What a lovely blog hop! I enjoyed all the pretty projects by the designers. I love the pretty colours of this collection. They remind me of the sweet little wild violets that bloom in spring among the first shoots of green grass. Always one of my favourite signs of spring.
    Thank you so much for sharing all the great inspiration. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  12. Melting snow always helps!! LOL!! I love it when. My crocuses, hydrangeas, tulips and daffodils come out. And next are my peonies!!

  13. I look forward to seeing snow drops pop up in our yard. Great selection of ribbon for Spring.

  14. Peonies are perennials, returning ever Spring to take our breath away with beautiful colors and single and double blooms. They require little maintenance and are known for their longevity and medicinal properties. It is associated with mythology and ancient cultures, lending itself to many artistic interpretations.

  15. One of the first signs of spring here is the yellow jasmine that pops out early, early in the spring. The tiny little blossoms are a lovely burst of color along our fence and I look forward to it every year!

  16. Hands down it would have to be the daffodils!

  17. No question, Lilies of the Valley and Bleeding Hearts are my favorite Spring flowers ... both are early arrivals and both have fantasy-like blooms that enchant and delight. And Lilies of the Valley smell sooooo good!
    Lovely assortment of ribbons - I can tell that I need them to use on the Graphic 45 "Faery Dust" paper collection projects I'm working on! LOL

  18. My favorite spring time flower is a lilac and these colors remind me so much of them. Once I smell those lilacs I know spring is near.

  19. I love the first sign of daffodils peeking through the flower beds accompanied by the lilac blossoms on my daughters lilac bush. When I had my daughter, 45 years ago, my dad brought me a bouquet of lilacs when he came to visit and meet his first granddaughter! Every time I smell those lilacs I am reminded of her birth and the joy she has given me.

  20. My favorite springtime flower is the Hyacinth. I love the scent and they remind me of spring.tigo

  21. We don't have true winter where we live but spring is heralded by some beautiful blossoms. My favorite are the wonderful smells and colors of our wisteria. So fleeting in their beauty.

  22. My favorite sign that spring is around the corner is the blooms on the peach tree that we used to have; the tree have since been cut down; they were between neighbors and our house, they took them down to put up a six foot wall :( Now I guess it would be my moss rose plant blooming. It's been mid eighties this past week so now I have yellow blooms. I do love seeing daffodils and lilacs around various neighborhoods when I'm walking !

  23. The daffodils are my favorite! We have lots of them planted in our yard, and they're the first to make a show in the early spring!

  24. Simply....the way the air smells....

  25. Cherry blossoms and lilacs are my favorite.


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