Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Spring is Coming!

Happy Tuesday!  Cherry here, it's my turn to post at RRR today!  Very strange...but it feels like Spring weather as of late.  I grabbed up some sweet images and my baby pink and moss green seam binding and played a bit.  Pink and grassy greens always remind me of Spring.  My first bow on the doggy card is more of a junk bow.  I started off with some ripped muslim calico fabric and layered on the seam binding along with white crochet lace to soften it up, which I also added to the bottom of the card.
On my second card I used the seam bindings and also added a border of stitched burlap ribbon in pink along with the cutest little pink sweetheart blossoms.  They are the perfect vintage pink.  I layered them with crochet diecut hearts and a crochet heart and added the little flowers and buttons.  I like the eclectic look it gives.  So has spring come early to your part of the country?   It is just strange...but whatcha gonna do?   Hope you enjoy....Cherry


  1. That puppy dog card is soooo sweet! I love the lace in with the seam binding and the crochet heart around the wood heart button! Fab!!

  2. Both great cards and the bows are fabulous. Wish I could make mine like that. Love the variety of things you used in the bows. Could you tell us what the stamps are and where they came from Would love to get the little dog holding the paper. Thanks.
    Edna Burgess

    1. Hi Edna, Cherry said the adorable little doggie image is from an old Leisure Arts paper pad. It's probably not available any more but you may find something similar if you check their website.

  3. Your cards are so cute... I love those bows and the cute little images on the cards. Just wow :)

  4. Do you ever answer the questions that are posted here? I'm still wondering about the little dog with the paper in his mouth. Would love to get that stamp. Edna Burgsss

    1. I'm sorry Edna. I'm waiting to hear back from Cherry on this since I have no idea where she got the image of the little dog. I hope to be able to help you soon.


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