Sunday, August 14, 2011

Love my RRR Twine!

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Sunday!!! Crystal here and today I would like to share with you this adorable card I made for my daughter!! She is a HUGE soccer fan and already starting her season for fall!!! I love my Really Reasonable Ribbon twine and wanted to share this card with you today!!! Hope you Enjoy!!!

I just LOVE this Black Licorice Twine, it just worked perfectly for this card!! You can do so much with twine... I wrapped it around three times for a cute touch to my creation!!!

Stop over and check out the Really Reasonable Ribbon's Store to take a peek at all the FUN colors they have in twine!!!

Also don't forget there is a RRR August Blog hop going on right now, stop by and check it out!!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by today, I hope everyone has a GREAT Sunday!!!


  1. oooh, I'm twine addicted too. Great card Crystal!

  2. This is gorgeous:) Sandra H

  3. This is lovely,a fabulous

  4. Cute card! That twine will be perfect for Halloween!


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