Sunday, February 14, 2010

Enter to WIN our Super Valentine's Blog Candy!!

Hello Everyone!

This post will stay at the top until February 15th, so please scroll down to see some new stuff.

Today is an awesome day here at Really Reasonable Ribbon and we want to share a little bit of that with you. We are giving away a great selection of Valentine's Day inspired ribbon (shown below) with a total length of 50 yards! Yep, that's right, 50 yards of free ribbon valued at $25. Would you like a chance to win??

Here's what you need to do.

#1 - Become a follower. We LOVE having you come by and our followers help us out in so many ways.
#2 - Post it on your blog, twitter about it, facebook it or tell a friend. Our blog is new and we want to get the message out!
#3 - Leave a comment on this post and tell us what you use ribbon for. Are you a card maker, scrapbooker, bow maker? Is there something else that you'd like to see on the website? We want to get to know YOU all a little better.

The draw will be taking place on February 15th at 3pm Eastern time, and we will choose the winner using Random Org. Please help us celebrate our new blog and have a chance to win some gorgeous ribbon.

Thanks from all of us here at Really Reasonable Ribbon.


  1. I LOVE ribbon - do you have any good suggestions on how to store it? I need it readily accessible and easy to see so I can use it!! I also LOVE those headbands you have posted on the blog. I have a troop of Girl Scouts and some metal headbands. I'm thinking I'll get some of that grossgrain ribbon and have them made some headbands!


  2. I use my ribbon primarily for cardmaking and some crafting. I am new to your shop and this blog, but can't wait to see what you and the followers have to share. Why not start a Facebook page of your own?

    Brenda - I store my ribbon on Ribbon Rings. Just do a search and check it out. Not an owner here, just a very satisfied customer.

  3. In response to the question about ribbon storage, why not check out 'Clip it Up' - Simply Renee. She has some awesome storage solutions. Her links are on the side bar under fav. blogs and fav. websites.

  4. I use ribbon for my cards... I love the way they turn out with it!

  5. I'm already a follower but I'll let my scrapbooking/cardmaking friends know again anyway. I use ribbons on all kinds of stuff mostly scrapbook pages, cards and in my jewelry I make. If I could have you add something it would probably be more tutorials on all the different ways ribbon can be introduced into your projects. There's so much out there, knowing what sizes and lenghts can sometimes make all the difference in the world. You offer a great site and I've been enjoying it for awhile now. Thanks for a chance at some candy too!

  6. I adore ribbons. I've just recently heard about your company and am trying to subscribe to your blog tonight. I'm not real tech minded so I'm having to work on getting subscribed. I would love to be the winner of this beautiful ribbon. I would love to learn some new ways to tie bows easier and also to learn some new techniques to use ribbons. Would love to be the winner!!

    Gayle Taylor

  7. Use ribbons for cards and layouts! Would be great to update with some new RIBBBONS! Put a post on my blog to help!

  8. hola felicidades por el nuevo blog!! que bueno que cada dia se unan mas scraperos en este medio!!
    pues la verdad en un blog es bonito ver de todo trabajos, tutoriales, videos muchas cosas que sea bien creativo para que nos de inspiracion para hacer nuestras creaciones!!
    sobre la cinta en mi caso tendria uso en scrapbooking para hacer layouts me encantan la verdad...
    bueno gracias por dejarnos participar en tu candy... ya soy seguidora tuya... y ya voy a dejarte la publicidad en mi blog

  9. What an awesome candy; I have added myself as a follower, and have also made a post in the sidebar of my blog HERE.
    My preference is making cards, and also decorate presents; a lovely touch :-)

  10. Gorgeous ribbon; I have become a follower and have emailed my friends about your great blog.

  11. Hi there. I've facebooked about your blog. This is my first time here, but it won't be my last! I've signed up as a follower. You've got great stuff happening here.

  12. Love this ribbon. I've gotten several of the monthly kits and they are so nice. They coordinate and work well together. And if you are looking for some specific ribbon this is the place to look. I always tell my friends this is a spot to check when they are looking for ribbon. I make cards and jewelry and scrapbook layouts with this ribbon.

  13. I'm primarily a card maker though I do scrapbook also.

  14. A lovely selection of ribbon to receive! I add them to my cards, add them at the tops of tags, use them to highlight parts of ATCs. I love looking at all the pretty colors in my ribbon holder.

  15. I love using ribbon on my cards and very glad to have found a blog dedicated to it. Twittered about your blog to spread the word! x

  16. Hi..such a pretty lot! I am a card maker so I use lots and lots of ribbon...never enough! So glad to have found you! Am now a follower...and off to tweet about this! tyvm for a chance.

  17. I love using ribbon on my cards and ATCs... sometimes it's just the right stuff to really make my art complete.

    Karen G (BC)

  18. Ribbon is a staple of my scrapbooking, home decor and card making. I LOVE Ribbon and my husband would say that I am more of a collector or hoarder that user...I must confess there are some ribbons and fibers that I hate to use because it is so pretty...Love the blog.

  19. I use ribbon for scrapbooking and sinse a few weeks also for cards. Thanks for the chance! Lovely give away. I follow your blog and it is in my sitebar!

  20. I have all sorts of plans for the ribbon I buy, and have used it on cards...but mostly I just fondle and adore it! ;-)

  21. Hi, just made a message on my blog about this super cute ribbon! I am a follower (it seems I was an early one ...) and I use your ribbon all the time for my cards (and sometimes boxes): love it!! Bye, Anne-Marie

  22. I use ribbon on some of my cards, and in my layouts. Love ribbon!! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Going to spread the word via facebook now. :)

  23. I love ribbon......especially your ribbon club!! I use ribbon on my cards and in my scrapbooks. Also use it for various crafts from time to time. I'm also loving your blog and became a follower. Thanks so much for the chance to win your Valentine Blog Candy!!

    Deanna A.

  24. Just heard about your store and its great. I use ribbons in card making and in fabric books.
    Whoever wins your blog candy will be one lucky person.

    Jan in AZ

  25. Who doesn't just love ribbon! I am now a follower and have posted your blog candy to my blog at:

    Please enter me!

  26. I use ribbon for TONS of stuff - stamping, scrapping, quilting, creative fabric embellishing, decorating plants, making seasonal ornaments...and just for fondling because it's so nice! Playing with a piece of ribbon will always draw one of my cats to me, too.

  27. I'm a ribbon-holic! HA! There I admitted it in print. :o) I use it in my daughters hair, to tie a gift for a friend and sometimes even strangers, scrapbooking, cardmaking, everything looks better with ribbon. :o) Choose me as a winner and I will share with my stamping friends. We meet once a month at my home to work on projects.

  28. Ribbon is fun..... I use it for much. I'm a card maker. I make layer with it, bows, use large ribbon as background, make bugs, butterflys, dragonflies, flowers, lady bugs, use it for handels most anything I can think of. I always try and use ribbons, different types of ribbons. I have been a follower for your blog. I would be happy to put your blog candy on my blog and let other people know if you would like to check my blog is
    please stop over and check.

  29. I just became a follower and love that updates are more regular! I use ribbon for bow making and baby gift/little girl gift embellishing!

  30. i love the ribbon, so much to choose from. i love to scrapbook and card making. always need ribbon. Tina Biles :)

  31. I love making Valentine's and made 150 of them this year for Operation Write Home, I sure could use to restock my ribbon stash! Thanks for the opportunity! I am now a follower and have posted a link on my blog.

  32. You can never have enough ribbon......can you!!!
    I use mine for card making these days but I'm an embroiderer too so I have some silk ribbons too that I'll occasionally use on a special card.
    Thanks for the chance I'll post on my blog and am now a follower.

  33. I love ribbon - I use it in cardmaking, scrapbooking, collage and all sorts of crafts ...
    But mainly I like to sit and stroke it and go OOH aahh - is that not what EVERYONE does with it??
    Will follow and add you to my blog.

  34. fabulous ribbon..thank you for such a great giveaway/candy. I am a follower and have added it to my blog sidebar..I like to create cards, tags and mini albums and use ribbon in all of these...

  35. Hi! I am now following your blog and shared you on FB. I love ribbon for my stamped cards, mainly. Sometimes I use it in my girls' hair, too :)

  36. Ribbon.. the 6 letter word..I love using it for cards or scrappin'.. thanks for the opportunity
    at your delicious candy,. ( and no calories )
    ( became a follower )

  37. I have become a follower and shared on Facebook. I LOVE ribbon for cards, scrapbooking and paper crafts. Thanks for the chance to win, that ribbon looks beautiful!!

  38. oh i just love your ribbons and your new blog is fabulous. i blurbed about your fabulous candy. it will post later this morning.

  39. Wow thanks for the opportunity to win such a great prize!!! I've become a follower and tweeted about your fabulous new blog!! I love using ribbon on my cards and altered projects!!

  40. I use ribbon primarily in my cardmaking and papercrafting 3D items. I enjoy the new looks that keep coming out the ribbon market.

  41. I use RRR's ribbon on almost every card I make. Sometimes I also use it as a decoration on other gift items, such as treat bags.

    I am happy to share your blog. Here's a link to what I posted on my blog:

  42. I use ribbon on cards -
    Thanks for the fun!

  43. Oh what super cool ribbons! I have become a follower and I have posted on my blog at

    I would love to win. I am a scrapbooker and card maker! I would love to use the ribbon on both those projects. My daughter also makes her hair ribbons and that would be a fun one for Valentines day!

    Denise Wells

  44. I am a follower as well as on the email list, and order most of my ribbon from you ladies! I use the ribbon for decorating at parties and for my daughters bows. Please check out my blog at

  45. Hi!

    WoW!!! What a generous drawing.

    I just posted about it on my Facebook & Twitter page.

    My updated tweets show up on my sidebar of my blog, too.

    I'm definitely a card maker and would use the ribbon for that.

    Cheeck out my blog to see what I like to do with ribbon & be sure that I tweeted about it.


  46. Awesome giveaway....I would love to win some ribbon....I would use it for cards and many uses!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  47. What a great giveaway! I use my ribbons for cards and on my scrapbook pages. Keeping my fingers crossed!


  48. Wow! Would it be fun to win some ribbon. My scrapbooks, cards and sewing projects would certainly benefit. I love using ribbons of all sizes and it always enhances the project.


  49. I found your site recently and love it! I love ribbon so I use it on everything, layouts, cards, altered anything I can keep

  50. I just posted on my blog!

    I mainly use ribbon for card making. I LOVE buying ribbon from RRR! The prices and quality are so awesome! This is a great giveaway...fingers are crossed!

  51. What a fun contest! I love to use ribbon on my cards and scrapbook pages...just tying a bow or adding a little loop as an accent. Sometimes I'll use a knot instead of a bow. Ribbon just adds so much to the page!

  52. Lovely ribbon....thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower and I posted a link/pic of your candy on my blog.

  53. Such pretty, pretty ribbons. I am now a follower and I have added to my facebook.
    Fingers and toes crossed - ribbon just makes me happy *smile* I'm off to look in your shop :)

  54. Hi!What a sweet Candy!!!Fantastic!!!I am a follower also and added a link to the sidebar
    I use ribbons for my daughter scrapbook pages and dress for dolls,toys))
    Greetings from Russia,

  55. Love the ribbon and the blog.

  56. What a fantastic candy! I'm already a follower and added the link on my blog:
    I use ribbons on my cards and sometimes on other paper projects too. Just one thing I know you really can't have enough ribbon ;)

    Greetings from the Netherlands

  57. great candy! I have become a follower and spread the word at! I would use all that great ribbon for card making - j queendragonfairie at

  58. What don't I use my ReallyResonableRibbon (RRR)for?! During the recent holiday season I used it to attach gift tags to Christmas packages. Then I used some to decorate two holiday wreaths and one cenerpiece. Hung some crystals on the tree with bits of ribbon that coordinated with the theme. Tied some wide ribbon into bows and placed them into the garland that donned our mantel. It brought a real elegance to an otherwise rather dull decoration. Most of the packages under our tree were topped off with bows or wrapped with ribbon from RRR. All in all it gave our holiday an extra festive look.
    That's just the beginning...there are countless other crafts that I've used ribbon for; barrettes, headbands, greeting cards, collages, lanyards for handmade pendants, necklaces, shoe laces on hand-painted canvas shoes for kids, tied it around rolled up towels and washcloths in our guest bath, hung up fresh lavender sprigs to dry. wrapped the power cord on a lamp, covered the front edge of a shelf after we converted solid cabinet doors to glass doors. And there's more, much, much more but this isn't "101 ways to use ribbon" so I'll stop here.
    Besides, my cat is bored and bugging me--maybe I'll tie a toy to a piece of ribbon and drag it around for the cat to chase!
    Thanks Bonnie for being such a great supplier!
    Susan W.

  59. Great blog! Glad I stopped by today :)
    I don't use ribbon much for cards, but just about for anything else. Good in books or as bookmark tails, as embellishment for any 3D paper craft, tie presents with it etc etc.
    I blogged and I followed too!

  60. Hello Bonnie
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful card with all of us.I find it very adorable, such great effects you achieved by layering the different colors of card ( red, white, black ). The ribbon makes the card that little extra special, the perfect match.
    I mostly use ribbons for cardmaking. But they can be used in so many other ways. Also wrapping them around a gift or at doll-making etc etc.
    I cross my fingers that I might be the lucky one to win your gorgeous set of lovely ribbons.
    Looking forward to follow you in the future.It already looks promising.
    Warm regards Monica - Spain

  61. Excited about the drawing! I registered as a follower and posted on FB. I use ribbon for EVERYTHING and buy more than I can ever use. Card making is one of my favorite hobbies, and you just can't have enough different ribbons for that! I guess I may have to start a "ribbonaholics anonymous" group some day! {grin} Blessings, Beverly Ann

  62. Thanks for the chance to win some really great ribbon candy!! I am a follower now and I have posted your candy on my sidebar. What do I use ribbon for? Well, mostly for cardmaking but I am a florist and have collections of odds and ends of ribbon used for weddings and corsages. I simple love the sheer ribbons and dainty looking ones with little picot edges too!

    Best of luck on your new site!

  63. I love Reasonable Ribbon for my card and scrapbooking projects!


  65. Thanks a lot for the chance to win this nice blog candy. I linked it on sidebar. I am a follower now.
    I wish your blog to be the best one ))))

  66. I love ribbon!!! I mostly use it on cards and scrapbook layouts.

  67. WOW!!! This is really some wonderful candy.. Thanks for a chance to win..
    saluti dall'italia public the post on
    Hugs, rosa
    i am new follower

    I use ribbon for scrapbooking and home

  68. i am a paperscrafter and love ribbon for weaving, pleating, tying bows, embellishing cards, handles on gift bags, tying my curtains back, draping from chandelier, and more ...i posted to my blog and am a follower

  69. I use my ribbon for cards. More now that I've found the perfect ribbon tape. I also use it in my sewingprojects, on bags etc.
    I've linked you on my candypost and I'm already a follower:


  70. Ribbon is such a great embellishment for sewing, crafts, etc. I love seeing the bows in my grand-daughter's hair or on some pillow one has made. It is so fun to have seasonal colors and a great way to decorate.


We'd love to hear what you have to say