Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blog Candy Winner AGAIN!!!!

Hi Everyone.

I can't believe I'm doing this again!!! I'm starting to think nobody wants this ribbon!! LOL
For whatever reason, I have not heard anything from our first two winners, so here we go again. Hopefully this will be the third and final random number:

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers: 7
Timestamp: 2010-02-23 15:57:42 UTC

This one has to work. We got the lucky number 7!!

Dana said...
Use ribbons for cards and layouts! Would be great to update with some new RIBBBONS! Put a post on my blog to help!
2/8/10 11:21 PM

Okay Dana, you have 72 hours to contact me with your shipping information by clicking the contact button at the top of the blog. I really hope to hear from you soon!!



  1. Yeah!!!! Hope I not late getting back to you! Never won blog candy before!!!

  2. Yay finally! Congrats Dana!

  3. good for you Dana well done

  4. well done Dana, glad someone that follows this blog got it.


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