Monday, March 24, 2025

Rainbow Stripe Korker Bow

Hello and HAPPY MONDAY!!
Misty @Mommyofkidz here today and,
Y'all, I have to say, I am so very excited that spring is FINALLY HERE! 
The crazy weather the past few weeks has kept this old Mama super sick, 
and playing with ribbon has been the last thing on my mind. 
BUT FINALLY the weather is warming up and the sun is starting 
to shine a bit brighter and a bit warmer down here in Texas. 
I can't wait to see all the beautiful colors of spring start popping out! 

Obviously I have been having withdrawals from ribbon, so of course my first project HAD to use a LOT of Really Reasonable Ribbon right?   Of COURSE it did!

I pulled out my handy dandy 1/4 inch dowel rods and 
wooden clothes pins and set to work! 
I knew that I wanted a fun BRIGHTLY colored bow, so I reached for my 

Of course, I wanted a variety of ribbons for this bow, so I pulled out all my striped styles and selected a few of my favorites to coordinate. Everything I used for this bow was a grosgrain style...whis is my favorite to make bows with by the way!

Little PSA...There is a SALE in the RRR Store right now...and it is a FANTASTIC discount! You should go check it out! 

So, I wrapped the dowels will as much ribbon as I had enough pace for in my oven and I baked it at 250 degrees for 25 minutes. 
No other prep work is even needed...just:

Now, there are a few other details to these steps, but those are the FIVE STEPS that I stand by, and stress how super easy it is to make a Korker Bow! 
Once I assembled my fun bow, I added some cute rainbow and cloud resin pieces that I had in my stash.  Being an avid crafter, I have LOTS of tiny pretties like this in my stash at all times!  I'm sure you all do, too!

What are you working on today?  
Any fun projects sitting on your desk waiting for inspiration?
We would love it if you shared with us! 
If there is anything you would like to see the Design Team do with 
Ribbon, tell us that, too! 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a FANTASTIC week!! 

1 comment :

  1. Love this just shouts "have fun". tfs


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