Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hi everyone.  Happy Easter to all.  I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends.
I'm cooking for the family for Easter (read as 'have been cooking and baking for days'!), so this will be a quick post. 
This is a fun basket weave type of ribbon background made with Shimmer Satin from Really Reasonable Ribbon that I did for the March issue of Paper and Pixels Magazine.  You will find a tutorial for this background in the March issue.  This is a fabulous online magazine that features tons of tutorials, freebies and other eye candy each month for only $1.50/mo.  If you have not checked them out yet, I encourage you to do so.  Tell 'em RRR sent ya.
I used pastel ribbon because it's an Easter card, but this would be fabulous with browns too, or any color combo you want.
You may have noticed my little jute flower embellishment too.  You're going to be seeing lots of them because I just LOVE them.  If you missed the tutorial, you can find it HERE.

I found a little time to color up an cute Easter image from Whimsie Doodle that I had on hand too.
Thanks for stopping by today and have a great day!
~ Bonnie ~


  1. Happy Easter to yo and yours, love your card.

  2. Your card is really pretty x

  3. Love the weaving and your pretty pastels! Hope you had a wonderful Easter~!


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