Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Really Reasonable Ribbon April Blog Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to another amazing Blog Hop here at the Really Reasonable Ribbon's Ramblings Blog! 

For all of our challenge lovers, you still have a little time left to participate in our 'Use Dies or Punches and Ribbon' themed challenge. New challenges are posted on the 1st and 15th of each month. We would love to have you join in.

Today you will see some great projects using our April Ribbon Club Assortment from our very talented design team. They always come up with some super ideas.

Isn't this assortment great??  It contains 8 styles and a total of 15 yards.  If you aren't already a ribbon club member, why not join us today!  You will get a fun new ribbon assortment shipped automatically each month.

Now let's get hopping and see what our fabulous design team has created this month!

Here is our blog hop list.  If you get lost along the way, hop on back here and we'll get you back on track.

Really Reasonable Ribbon blog

Now, be sure to leave some love at all the stops along the way. Your comments are most appreciated!  This is the last blog hop for this talented RRR design team, so be sure to sign up as a follower on their blogs so you don't lose touch with them!

At the end of the hop, comment on this post answering the question below for a chance to win our April Ribbon Club assortment and the extra goodies shown below.

Our question of the month is:

What is your favorite Spring/Summer flower???  I'm seeing some signs of Spring (finally!!) and can't wait for all my flowers to bloom.  I love seeing the daffodils in Spring because I know warm weather is on the way!

Our winner will be selected from the numbered comments on this post on Sunday, 4/17 using Be sure to check back on Sunday evening to see if you are our lucky winner.

Thanks so much for hopping with us today. We hope you'll stop by and so some shopping at Really Reasonable Ribbon soon.

~Bonnie Garby~


  1. I just love Daffodils - especially the small ones that are so fragrant it just fills the house!

  2. I love Daffodils and Lilies.. And your ribbons are most wonderful...

  3. I love tulips most......lovely bloghop...but I must return to Tilly's blog another time as she did not posted yet!
    xxx Margreet

  4. daffodils and tulips....actually i like all flowers :)
    as they r too beautiful no?

  5. Wow, what a fabulous blog hop, although Tilly's hop post doesn't seem to be there, I'll go back and look again later. My favourite flowers are Sweet Peas - they have such a short season but their fragrance is so beautiful. I do like to see the daffodils out in spring too.
    Dawn xxx

  6. My absolutely favourite flowers are tulips!!! They are just gorgeous to look at in the garden or in a vase!!! Thanks for a great blog hop!! You have a very talented design team!!Love the new ribbons!!! Hugs xx

  7. My favourite flowers are tulips! They are just gorgeous in so many collors. Thanks for the blog hop!!
    hugs Tessa & Anke

  8. My favorite flowers are daffodils. They remind me of my grandmother. I think of her all of the time but especially in the spring with all of the daffodils blomming in our yard. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. These ribbons are gorgeous! My favorite flower is the Daisy :)

  10. I love tulips! But they don't exist naturly in my country (Brazil)!!!

    I have been in all blogs! And I loved all!

    That was fantastic!


  11. Your ribbons are truely beautiful!

  12. I just love flowers so it's very difficult to say! I think I can narrow it down to 2: Bleeding Heart and Fuchsia. They are both so delicate looking.

    The hop was great... Very talented design team!

  13. What a great hop- I enjoyed everyone's projects.
    My favorite spring flower is the daffodil. I love it's beautiful yellow and the scent is just heavenly. I have many fond memories of my grandmother's garden. Every spring when the daffodils would bloom and she would let me take a couple to my teacher. Every time I see/smell daffodils, I am transported back to that garden.

  14. WOW!!! I have hopped to all the blogs and seen all the amazing creations using your fab ribbons, i love them all.
    My favourite flower would have to be sweet peas,they remind me of my nan, they have such a gorgeous smell for the shortest of time, and i love the way they wind their way to whereever they want to go, a lot like ribbon really :D
    Kate xxx

  15. Loved hopping!!! All of the creations are just beautiful!!!!

  16. Thank you very much for the lovely bloghop! I really enjoyed the gorgeous project of the DT.

    Ranunculus are my favorite Spring flowers.


  17. Wonderful DT projects for the hop! My favorite are tulips, I planted bulbs last year and to see them now growing is amazing!!

  18. loved the hop, my fav flower, oh i'm torn... peonies are definately up at the top, bearded iris always make me think of my dad while bleeding heart makes me think of my mom and g'mom, i love my azaleas,

  19. I love blog hop!!!
    In my country (Brazil) my favorite flowers are Alstroemeria...

  20. This is a tough one for me, because I love so many of them. However, I'd have to say the Texas Bluebonnet. I grew up TX and seeing it was definitely a first sign of Spring. Now that I live in Tennessee, I don't get to see them that often. :(

  21. I have found a new love for Dahlias! I lvoe the ribbons in this month's line.

  22. The flowering cherry blossom, because the tree was planted in April of the year my DD was born. It has small pink blossoms. My DD just turned 14 on the 10th.
    Hummer Hugs,
    hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

  23. Oh goodness... I love daffodils and tulips and lilacs... pretty much anything that adds some color after a long, dull winter! :)

  24. My favorite flower to see bloom is the Hyacinth. My grandfather used to have a garden of them when I was little, and he was my favorite person. Someday, I will have a garden with hyacinth, just because of him.

  25. My favorite flower is Hibiscus. Off to the hop..already follower must of their blogs.

  26. I love daffodils!! Now I'm off to hop!!

  27. Hi; I did it! I made it through all the blogs and saw one stunning project after another! And now I'm back to tell what my favourite flower is: THE TULIP!
    Here in Stockholm there's a house called The Tulip House (Tulpanhuset) and if you google it you'll even see some of my stuff because I visit it every year, take a lot of pictures and make a lot of layouts about tulpis. Without getting tired! Maybe my readers do...?

    Charlotta / La Vikinga

  28. Great blog hop!!! My favourite flower is daffodils!!!

  29. My favorite flower id daffodils. The hop was amazing!

  30. Hi Bonnie, really enjoyed the blog hop, what an inspirational projects the ladies made!! My favourite spring flower is the Fresia; my grandmother always bought them and the smell still reminds me of her, even though I'm 50 years now myself. Hugs, Frea

  31. what a great blog hop. my favourite flowers are sunnflowers - i love them.

    greetings, uta

  32. Beautiful ribbons and clever designs. Another great blog hop!

  33. I love peonies. This was a great hop - hope I win the fantastic prize.

  34. My very FAVorite spring/summer flower has got to be daffodils! They are so lovely to look at!
    Huggies & Daffodil smiles to you ~

  35. My favorite spring flower is Lilacs.

    Linda Imler

  36. My favorite spring flower is definitely Azaleas. When they bloom, I know that spring is really here. Our neighborhood is full of them and it looks like someone has gone through and painted all the houses.


  37. What a fun hop! My favourite spring flower is the tulip!

  38. Lilly's are my favorite, my grandma always grew tons of them!

  39. Just completed the blog hop with the exception of Tilly's blog. There was no post on her blog for today. The DT outdid themselves this time. I'm sure you're going to miss them. But the new team is in place and we're all looking forward to seeing their wonderful creations soon. Thanks so much for hosting this and your other monthly hops.


  40. Oh, I completely forgot about the questions!!! My favorite spring flowers are bearded irises. I love them because they come in so many gorgeous color combinations with new varieties being added all the time. There are lots of other flowers I love too but the iris is my favorite because they remind me of my mom and dad who had a garden full of them.

    anniebeescraftroom at gmail dot com

  41. Wild violets, definitely! Thanks for hosting such a fun hop! I had fun checking out everyone's sites. :)

  42. daffodils, paper whites, jonquils...all about the same thing. there are so many "daffodils" to love.

  43. Wow what a fab and inspiring array of project absolutely brilliant hop thankyou one and all.
    Now my fav flower well for summer I love gladioli but have to say my all time favourite is Daisies of any kind from those in the lawn to margaurite daisies to the posh gerbra that were the only daisies the florist would use for my ewedding bouquet whiote of course, so I love the dasiy ribbon in your set and if I was lucky enough to have any it would only go on cards for mr from me so I could sit and look at the daisies, sad really aren't I but who cares I love daisies.

  44. I am totally enamored by Cherry Blossoms!

  45. Hyacinths are my favorite spring flower - they smell so good you can smell them across the yard and they are so pretty - delicate little flowers grouped together to make a big display :) And they are one of the first flowers to bloom in my yard.

    rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

  46. My favorite Flower is a "Rose" The main reason for that is because my name means Rose. Great hop.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  47. Great hop, lovely and imaginative projects on the way! For spring flowers, I say Hyacinth beecause of the smell and all those lovely pastel colours. And Rose for a summer one, becoause there are so many different shapes and styles, from wild blooms to royal big garden ones and sweet-smelling old english styled ones, love them all!

  48. Thanks for a great hop, so much to see, inspiration galore using those stunning ribbon, just love them all, serious..........:))
    I am totally a flower person, so sorry, cannot choose one, they are all so delicate, colorful and stunning, will have to go with .... a bunch of
    lotsa luv

  49. I'm in Australia and spring starts in September :) My favourite flower is the gerbera (which is blooming now) but my favourite spring flower is the hippyastrum (I have red ones which blooms\ in my garden in October).
    Thanks for the wonderful projects to visit along the hop x

  50. I absolutely love irises and lilies :)

    jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com


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