Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall Flower Makeover Tutorial

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Hi there all, it's Ginny here to share a great tutorial on how you can transform basic flowers from the craft store ( or your own stash lol. I know we all have faux flowers in our supplies.) I needed some flowers to embellish a fall inspired mini album we were creating for our class this week...and try as I might I could not find any that fit the size or style I needed without them looking too "Thanksgivingy" So I transformed these rather plain flowers into a warmer and seasonally fitting embellishment.
Basic flower off a stem with lot's of the same blooms. It's not really so bad...but it can be better!

Pull the layers apart.

Cut the shank off the center. It's it's pretty easy to get through.

Ink all the layers. I used my current favorite Gathered Twigs Distress Ink.

Cut rough circles from Faux Burlap Antique Gold trim and roll to tatter edge.

Reassemble using hot glue between the layers.

Using Bisque Liquid Pearls smash and spread it into the center to lighten it up and along the petals to add a shimmery accent. I think you could have fun experimenting with different colored flowers and inks and pearls. Maybe a Christmasy poinsettia?

I trimmed these leaf shapes from another stem...the leaves were actually too big to use in their  original I just nipped them in a bit. To the edges I added a nice line of Cinnamon Stickles for detail.
Once I had two of the  flowers transformed...I got out the glue gun again and attached them close to the base.. then layered them over the jazzed up leaves.

I think they look fabulous on this Count your Blessings Fall Mini's seasonal without being Thanksgivingy. Hope this inspires you to give your flowers a makeover so they will coordinated perfectly with your projects!
Wishing you all a happy and productive day and time to be creative : ) Huggs Ginny


  1. Great project, Ginny! I love the rustic look the burlap lends to the finished flower, and the sheen from the PP. Beautiful mini, too!

  2. This is fantastic Ginny. What a terrific idea and the little piece of burlap ribbon really adds to the overall rustic look. I love it!!

  3. Amazing what can be done with those store bought blooms! They look really great!!!!

  4. This is so gorgeous Ginny! I have tons of dollar store flowers that this would be perfect for! LOVE the finished card! Thanks for the tutorial :)

  5. Ginny, what a great way to make plain Jane flowers into something special!! Thanks for sharing! ~ Blessings, Tracey

    Garden of Grace

  6. Gorgeous makeover! The finished project is Ah-Mazing!


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