Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Good Morning everyone!
Can you believe that it is already OCTOBER!!!???
Holy moly this year is flyin'!
Christmas will be here before we know it!

BUT first, before Christmas creeps in on us, 
we get to have a little bit more fun with some creepy crawlies!
I am not a fan of the scary side of Halloween, but I do adore all the fun decorations, cute costumes and vibrant colors that accompany the 
Halloween craze!
While I am TRULY creeped out by a real spider, I think they are cute representations of the fun side of Halloween...
so I made this little headband for my Skye.

YES...that is an itsy bitsy spider that you see perched up there
 on the top of that headband!
Her body is made with solid black 1/4 inch grosgrain korker style ribbon.
And for the final touch, I gave her a 1/8 inch turquois grograin bow and a couple of super cute googly eyes!

I haven't gotten a photo with Skye yet, because we have had a few very sad things happen over this last 2 weeks, one of them including the death of her own puppy. She has been a very sad little girl, and not even a super cute headband could cheer her up this time.   She has been unwilling to pose for a photo, but if I can get her to,  I will upload the pic today. Until then, here is the best I could do with an up-close shot....

As always, if you decide to try to make one of these yourself, 
I am here to help in any way that I can!
Just post your questions here in this post, or shoot me an email at mistyw@nctv.com. 
I will do my best to help you in any way that I can!

***Edited to add in this pic of my model.  She refused to smile, she says that she is"still too sad".  This is all she could muster. :)  She will be back to her smiley self soon though...I hope!  :) ***

Have a fantastic day! 


  1. Oh Misty, I am sorry to hear about her puppy! Give her a hug from me! The spider is adorable though!

  2. Super cute and your daughter looks adorable wearing it!!!

  3. Oh what a trooper, sending her a hug! This is an adorable idea.

  4. Aw!love the headband, and im sending a cyber hug to her Misty!

  5. Misty - this is just adorable! I think it is sweet that your little one would pose when she is so sad. Tell her I am sorry about her puppy. Thanks for sharing this cute idea!


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