Saturday, February 23, 2013

She Roped his Heart!

 Good Morning, everyone!
Today I am going to share a layout with you that I did of my oldest and my youngest.  
My 7 year old daughter just ADORES her big brother! 
She is always hugging him, kissing him, sitting in his lap...
and you would think that the 16 year old big brother would get tired of that...
NOPE!  He lets her kiss on him just as much as she wants to! 
Now...Mom is a different story!  LOL

I love that these two share such an amazing bond, and I am thrilled that I caught this moment in their lives on camera!  This was actually from December and he had mistletoe hanging above her head! LOL
I creatively covered that up and turned it into a Valentine's layout.

My favorite part is the rope heart. 
OH MY GOODNESS how I love that little jute rope that Bonnie is carrying now! 
I just hot glued it to the layout as I fashioned the heart to my liking...then layered everything on top of it. 

She has "Roped his Heart" for ever!  LOL

Hope you enjoyed this little layout...
Make sure you go grab your own mini ropes!  
Have a Fantabulous Weekend!


  1. Great layout Misty. I love what you did with the jute rope. It's the perfect embellishment for this layout. What a lucky girl to have such a great big brother. I feel sorry for any boyfriends she brings home in the future with a big brother like that looking out for her!! :)

  2. Beautiful layout hun! LOVE it!!!

  3. great showcasing of the jute rope!!!!
    ava g


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