Friday, February 22, 2013

RRR tutorial


Are you getting Spring fever?   I am hearing birds chirping again and we think our Mama bird has come back to set up house in our (her) birdhouse.   I have been doing a bit of spring cleaning (getting a month head start).  Bringing out some birdies and nests I have had tucked away.  It is so much fun to bring something out and see it again.   Tweaking a bit of décor here and there.   Ahhh love this time of year....the promise of new. 
                                  I popped in to share an itty bitty tutorial for RRR, one which some of you know.  The process of tea staining ribbons and laces.  I love to do it every now and again.  It softens things and it gives it history.   I also do seam binding sometimes and decided to pop a bit of the   baby pink seam binding  in for fun.  It came out a yummy soft peachy pink.   The crochet lace I tried is the Juliet lace and it picked up the tea really well and it smells wonderful.  I generally use 4 packets and boil the water like I am making tea and pop them in to steep.   As you can see it gets pretty dark.  I leave everything in there for several hours and than take it out and dry it on a tea towel. 
                                          As you can see I am starting my Mother's day cards....the first is one made for a customer.  That is her Mama and her as a baby and I simply adore their picture.  I love how the tea staining softens everything and gives it authenticity, especially with lovely old pictures.  The other card I used a Crafty Secrets stamp set.  It is know secret I love silhouettes.  I have a small wall area with a grouping of them.  So fun to use on cards. As always I Hope you enjoy!  hugs, cherry


  1. Beautiful cards Cherry. I love the look of the tea dyeing. I'm going to have to give it a try.

  2. Cherry, beautiful projects posted today on the blog. Great designs and oh how lovely RRR showcases your master pieces!!! Gorgeous!!!
    ava g

  3. SO PRETTY CHERRY!!!!! :)

  4. Love what you have made!

  5. Awww Cherry I LOVE them both, you always do such a beautiful job on your shabby chic cards and stuff!!!

  6. Cherry these are so beautiful...I love them. As always lol .....


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