Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sweet Liv Layout

Hey's Ginny here with another layout display I created for my shop. My niece Crystal was so kind to let me use this wonderful picture of her daughter Olivia. 
I choose to work with blues for this layout to balance the strong pink of her shirt.  Is there anything cuter than a little girl eating an ice cream cone with sprinkles????? Nope!!!
  I gave the picture a nice painted chipboard frame...then wrapped the top and bottom in the beautiful coordinated Diamond Satin Trim in Blue Topaz. Not only does it cover what would be too much white on the adds a lovely texture as well. It was super easy to adhere with my favorite Scor-Tape. I used the Scor-Tape to attach the frame to the page ....and the super thin Scor-Tape to attach the chipboard flourishes.
I layered some "franken-flowers" with some crocheted flowers and some pretty little bedazzled script butterflies.  Are you wondering to yourself what is a franken-flower??? It's really just parts scavenged from lot's of other flowers and reassembled to give new life to otherwise unused parts. LOL

  I've been all about the tags lately....I added two here to anchor this franken-flower collection. How much do you love that checkered brad???? I too!!!!
Okay....that's another layout ready to hang in the shop.....there's just a few more that need to be updated. Yay : )
I hope you all enjoy a happy and productive day and find some time to be creative : ) Ginny


  1. Nice colours you juse ...and I know now what a franken flower is ..greetings from Holland

  2. Beautiful layout hun! Love the ribbon and all your flowers!!!

  3. Ginny this is beautiful x

  4. ginny, lovely layout.... nice addition of the satin diamond ribbon.

    ava g


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