Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Spooktacular Fun

Hello!  It's always a special treat when you stop by to visit. Today it's me, Karen Letchworth, sharing a "spooktacular" little card I created using some of my favorite products from Really Reasonable Ribbon.  I hope you're all ready for the little goblins who will come knocking at your door next week looking for some tricks or treats.
So, for today's post, I'm sharing a fun little Halloween card that was sent off to my niece.  While she's getting (just about) past the trick-or-treating age, she's still a whole lot of fun, and I like to send her special cards.  I'm sure you all have those in your life with whom you have that sort of relationship.  Never underestimate just how much it means to someone to get a hand-made card in the mail.  Just knowing that someone is thinking about you can make all the difference; so I encourage you to send a card today.  Someone needs the pick-me-up for sure!
I started with a base of burnt orange corrugated paper, and I also used some American Crafts (Haunted) patterned papers that I had picked up last year.  I used a small (October) ephemera piece, a Crafty Secrets image, and a Jolee's candy bar (Darkside Chocolate Bar).  Really Reasonable Ribbon always has the perfect Embellishments, Ribbons, and Adhesives (plus SO much more) to help me adorn and decorate my cards.  How cute!
There are some new products to Really Reasonable Ribbon as well, and I'm SUPER excited about them.  One of these fabulous new products would be the ADORABLE Bronze Pear-Shaped Metal Safety Pins.  They do come in different colors/metals, but I'm obsessed with these.  They're perfect for hanging a small tag or a metal charm, beads, etc..  SO cute!  And...they are only $2.19 for 100 pieces!!!  I used mine to hang a small tag cut from patterned paper, and I stamped the word "Enjoy" on it.
I also bundled some Violet Burlap String, tucked in some Black Miniature Double Head StamensMilk White Miniature Double Head Stamens, and added a double bow tied with Black/White Houndstooth Ribbon.  Like I mentioned earlier, Really Reasonable Ribbon really does have SO many fabulous touches for your crafting projects.  Ribbons, twines, trims, Seam name it, Really Reasonable Ribbon definitely has all the spooled delights any crafter could ever need.  But I do hope you'll also check out the amazing rainbow of other accents they carry to help you take your art to the next level.  You won't be disappointed.  Really!  Check out those awesome new Bronze Pear-Shaped Metal Safety Pins.  They'll look so cute on your next project!

Thanks for stopping by,

1 comment:

  1. This is such a gorgeous card l just love all that you have done to create it x


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