Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fun Fall Card Featuring Tangerine & Neutrals

Hi friends! Linsey here today sharing a simple and fun Fall card featuring some of the lovely ribbons from the September Ribbon Club Assortment. This Halloween themed assortment consists of some ribbons that work beautifully for Fall and Autumn themed cards and projects alike. I love the versatility and value of the Ribbon Club Assortment. If you love gorgeous ribbon--duh!--and a great deal--double duh!--check out the RRR Monthly Ribbon Club! I used Black/White Striped Grosgrain and 5/8" Satin with Grosgrain Edge Tangerine.
 A simple bow tied in the middle with the tangerine, some cardstock stickers and a few sequins finish this card.
And that's all for me today! Thank you for stopping by and hanging out. I hope you have a very wonderful and creative day!

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