Thursday, July 28, 2016

Vintage Floral Doll

Good Day All,

Deborah here today showing you a tag I created using a few ribbons from the Really Reasonable Ribbon Store.   I used Cotton Blend Vintage Pink Floral , two different seam binding colors Vivid Pink & Moss, one of the pink ribbons from the Diamond Satin Assortment Pretty Pink, and Arianna Natural Crochet Lace.  I also used Wild Orchid Craft Trellis Roses Mixed Pink Tones. 

Well here is the 1st step I did - I took my Julie Nutting Stamp using tuxedo black Momento ink and stamped it on the Cotton Blend Vintage Pink Floral. Then I fussy cut the dress out from the ribbon.

Here is a close up of the JN Doll with the Cotton Blend Vintage Pink Floral
I glued it down to the JN Doll, added some tiny pearls to the dress and to the doll's 
neckline for a necklace and colored the bottom of the dress, and used glossy accents
on the hairband and the bottom of the dress. 

Here is the tag. I really had fun creating this tag and using so many assorted ribbons 
from the Really Reasonable Ribbon Store. I also created a little tag on the very bottom 
using one of the pink ribbons from the Diamond Satin Assortment Pretty Pink. I used a brad 
to attach it to the small tag and I created the little envelope for it to fit into so it pulls out. 
I used the Arianna Natural Crochet Lace at the top of tag and layered it up at the bottom.
The seam binding Vivid Pink & Moss are tied together at the very top, I really like how 
the pink and moss look together, it's just so pretty. 

Here is a close up of the beautiful Trellis Roses I used.  I just love these roses. 
Aren't they just stunning, especially used with the Arianna Lace. I created the rosettes 
first using a needle and thread, then glued my roses on top of them. I thought it
was a great addition to the vintage look I was going for using the Graphic 45 paper. 

 Here are two more flower rosettes using the beautiful Arianna lace rosettes I created.
And I glued the roses on top of the rosettes.  You can also see how doubled the lace up
on the bottom, below the roses. 

I thank you all for stopping by and I hope you are inspired to give the stamping technique a try using the Cotton Blend Ribbons. Also try using that beautiful Arianna Lace to make rosettes which is another lovely way to enhance your projects. You can find all the items at Really Reasonable Ribbons.
Wishing you all great day, 
Deborah xxx


  1. Just gorgeous! Love the patterned ribbon and trellis rose. The petals on the girl is just beautiful.

  2. This is absolutely jaw dropping beautiful :)

    Jeannie T.
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