Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Hello ribbon fans! Today I am sharing a card with one of my favorite ribbons -- Double-Faced Ivory Satin. It is a DREAM ribbon and adds elegance to any project!
I am quite a novice at using my Bow-It-All, but am learning a little more each time I tie a ribbon. Bonnie has some simply wonderful tutorials on different bows and designs she makes, and they are really helpful for a visual person like I am. BUT -- you MUST have this tool if you love bows! It makes it very easy - even when you don't get it quite right at the beginning!
I tied a double loop bow for this project using the yummy Ivory Satin ribbon, and help all of my layers together with 1/4" Scor-Tape (another MUST-HAVE!). The papers and ribbon and pearls remind me of a sweet Bed and Breakfast that we stayed at recently - from times gone past!

Are you a Ribbon Club member yet? If not, you need to RUN (yes, run!) right over and join! We have a new collection coming out in a few days and you will love it!


  1. Very beautiful card. Love all of the purple and especially the flower. You bow came out perfect. Hugs

  2. Judy this card is gorgeous. Love that image and the bow is beautiful.


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