Monday, October 14, 2013

Homecoming Weekend

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Here in Texas, Homecoming is a HUGE thing in our schools.  The kids have a week filled with "Spirit" inducing activities and then Friday is all about the "Mum".

I made armbands for both of my sons and one girlfriend this past week.  
I LOVE making these things!  It is not typical to use real ribbon, but I am not the typical Mom!  

Below are the 3 Homecoming mums that I made with ribbon from Really Reasonable Ribbon:

Ashley's was LONG and I couldn't get it all in one photo.  For the girls, the motto is "THE BIGGER THE BETTER".  However, this girl could not have toted the weight of all that ribbon had I made it any bigger!  LOL 
I used an assortment of whites, blues, and silvers which are the school colors. 
They all loved them, and their friends were in awe that they were all made from REAL RIBBONS! 
It was totally worth the extra effort and a little more money!
Y'all have a wonderful week! 

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