Wednesday, February 13, 2013

RRR February Blog Hop


Hello everyone and welcome to another amazing Blog Hop here at the Really Reasonable Ribbon's Ramblings Blog! 
For all of our challenge lovers, be sure to stop back on the 15th when we post our next challenge. New challenges are posted on the 1st and 15th of each month. We would love to have you join in. Today you will see some great projects using our February Ribbon Club Assortment from our very talented design team. They always come up with some super ideas. 
Isn't this assortment great??  It contains 9 styles and a total of 17 yards.  If you aren't already a ribbon club member, why not join us today!  You will get a fun new ribbon assortment shipped automatically each month.
Now let's get hopping and see what our fabulous design team has created this month!
Here is our blog hop list.  If you get lost along the way, hop on back here and we'll get you back on track.

NOTE: Due to blogger issues if you are using Internet Explorer as your blowser, you may have trouble with certain blogs. If you run into a blog you cannot view, or a forward link that is mis-behaving, please head back here to move to the next stop on the blog hop or try viewing using Google Chrome. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Really Reasonable Ribbon's Ramblings
Now, be sure to leave some love at all the stops along the way. Your comments are most appreciated!
At the end of the hop, comment on this post answering the question below for a chance to win our February Ribbon Club assortment and the extra goodies shown below.
Our question of the month is:
Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
Me, not really.  I certainly don't want to go out to eat or get flowers or jewelry on Valentine's Day.  I'm not that kind of chick - know what I mean?  Hubby gets off easy on holidays with me.  :)
I'd much rather spend some money on crafty supplies instead of getting flowers that will die in a couple of days!  How about you??
Our winner will be selected from the numbered comments on this post on Monday, 2/18 using Be sure to check back on Monday evening to see if you are our lucky winner.
Thanks so much for hopping with us today. We hope you'll stop by and so some shopping at Really Reasonable Ribbon soon.
~Bonnie Garby~


  1. I'm like you! Everyday is a blessing so let's just keep doing what we do!

  2. Not a big celebration, usually I make a Valentine for everyone and my husband gets me one. That is about all we do. This year we are going out for dinner tho with our son and his wife to celebrate,

  3. Yes but we don't go all out.We go to dinner and maybe some chocolates

  4. Such a great and wonderful hop. They keep getting better every time I attend. Thanks for all the inspiration and the beautiful projects.
    We don't celebrate Valentines day every year and plus my husband only gives me something every 5 years or so. I don't like getting flowers cause in my opinion its a waste of money considering that they die anyways and plus I'm not a huge fan of Chocolate. Some years we do however celebrate with the other couples in the community by having a wonderful supper. All the women make something for the meal so its a team effort.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  5. Love your hop,Beautiful creations,We don't really celebrate valentines,just a little gift,and a homemade

  6. we don't really "celebrate" v-day.. i mean we acknowledge it.. our girls (1 & 3) give valentines to their cousins.. and I've always thought it was cute.. we give each other little gifts.. a box of chocolates or something and of course a valentine (made by me lol).. sometimes we go out to dinner or a movie or something but usually not on the actual day since theres so many people out and its hard to get in somewhere.. we figure no need for a day to say we love each other.. we should do it everyday.. :) I finished (and loved) the hop :)

  7. We do cards and usually treat ourselves to a meal out. I've always bought each of my two sons a chocolate heart lollipop and have done this year even though they are in their twenties!
    Thanks for another fabulous hop and another stunning club assortment.

  8. I would much rather stay home and make mini albums, cards, 3-d stuff and have dinner and chocolates delivered to me! Thank you for letting us see all your fabulous creations and your gorgeous ribbons!

  9. Thanks for a great hop. For me, Valentine's Day is all about grandkids.

  10. We go out for a nice dinner and this year my husband bought me Spellbinders. I prefer gifts like that rather than flowers that will be gone in a few days.

  11. I'd much rather buy something crafty, too. Flowers are pretty but useless. Give me a paper stack any day.( or cricut cartridge or new glitter or buttons or Spellbinders or a new punch)

  12. We maybe go out to dinner. I do like flowers but like you said they die in a few days! I would also like something crafty!

  13. I think it's a nice day to remember family and friends and how special they are to you.When I had a partner, I would leave a little note or chocolate heart on their pillow or hidden somewhere where it would be a surprise.

  14. i would say i'm a rotic (no man, so not romantic!) My aunt and her new husband invite my mom (her sister) and me over for lunch. i am looking forward to it. Thanks for a great hop. i found new friends and blogs to follow!

  15. I love getting flowers and candy, but best of all is going to dinner with my sweetheart! I also enjoy making valentines for my kids and nieces and nephews. It is also fun to give valentines out at work- especially because no one expects it! Happy Valentines Day to all!

  16. Hm... celebrate? Nah, not really. I mean my hubby and I do not do anything. I do always give the kids a little "valentine" treat of sorts. Already sent off my package to my son in college and my son at home will come home from School tomorrow to a little "care package". So in a way I celebrate for the kids. I really MISS those cute little boxes full of Valentines!

  17. Hubby and I decided not to do the flowers and gifts any more. But the fancy dinner is still a must! And we are going Italian this time. :)

  18. just finished checking out all the wonderful cards and projects!
    Now about your question....I'm with you I'd rather go out to lunch or dinner without all the hoopla. An everyday outing is more fun to me.
    stamping sue

  19. Great blog hop! I celebrate Valentine's but only by making a treat for my hubby (usually chocolate based). Oh, and a card of course. :D

  20. Yes, we celebrate Valentine's Day with cards, candy, and a romantic date. Can't wait!

  21. celebrate valentines with a card and its always a big purchase for the house, or trip or big $$ gift/. So, no little gifts in our house.....
    ava g

  22. We went out to a very nice lunch and then this evening, I opened the box of See's candy that I got a few days ago. It was a good day!

  23. Me personally no... I never understood why it's only one day a year... but since i have kids, the answer is also Yes, I go all out for them, because they love it...

  24. I don't celebrate romntically, I am single. I do celebrate with my granddaughters and my B-Day which is the 13th.

    marg0006 at verizon dot net

  25. Yes I is my wedding anniversary :)

  26. We don't celebrate by going out, anymore but we normally give each other a card and hubby usually buys me flowers. I try to make an extra special dinner and love sending Valentine's cards to my two adult grandchildren, too.

  27. Another wonderful hop! Great job DT!! It's been years since my husband bought me flowers. Last time he bought me a dozen roses, I told him not to buy them again. Do you know how much craft goodies I can buy for what a dozen roses cost?!! We've lasted 25 years saying I love you every day, we don't need a special day to say it!

  28. I love making and giving Valentine cards to friends and family. DH and I usually go out to dinner, he buys me flowers and sometimes candy. We exchange cards. I make his and he always buys me two cards: a funny card and a sentimental/mushy card.

  29. What a great hop..Tons of Super ideas..I would say we celebrate Valentines day..I make my husband a homemade card..which he loves..and he also gives me a card and a small gift..

  30. We celebrate by creating crafts together for kids school projects and then my hubby cooks dinner and the kids made chocolate covered strawberries for dessert!

  31. Great blog hop. We don't do much for Valentine's day --maybe a special homemade dinner and a dessert. It is my granddaughter's birthday too so we celebrate that but now that she is in school we usually celebrate on a different day.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. great blog hop! Love this month's ribbons! We do not really celebrate. We make each other cards since I have everything needed for that here. And I hate for my husband to waste money on flowers that will die in a week.


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