Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Penmanship award


Hi there. Cherry here today to share a card made for Really Reasonable Ribbon.  This card reminds me of when I was in first grade.  I took great pains to practice my handwriting.  I was so proud of myself (I added curly cues).  Even then I had to add details.  Today's generation doesn't even know the meaning of penmanship.  My grandmother had gorgeous handwriting.  I imagine her being the lady on the front of this card.  Sitting, practicing her writing.  I used sepia tones and creams...and added black for a bit of drama.  I used black seam binding and my very favorite lace ever the charlotte lace.  Well it is getting nearer to midnight.  I suppose I should try to get some shut-eye.  Hope you enjoy!  hugs, cherry


  1. Beautiful Cherry. I used to have very nice handwriting in school too and practiced quite a bit. It seems now that all I do is print - don't know why......

  2. Cherry this is beautiful and LOVE the flower and bow! Hehehehee Bonnie, I used to have fun handwriting in school too, and the same practiced all the time, now my handwriting stinks........heheheheheheehe

  3. Love, love it! What a shame if the future generation of children do not learn to write!

  4. I have this paper and am so pleased to see a feminine card made with it. I shall be looking at my paper pad in a different light from now on. This is superb!

  5. This card is so great, love the vintage images used and great colors. Sometimes the cards are a bit much for me to even think about trying to make. This card looks like it's doable for me. Won't be nearly as nice as yours but I'll take a stab at it. Love the big black flower and ribbon.

  6. HOW BEAUTIFUL CHERRY!!!!!!!! I think of penmanship as ART!!!!! Even when I was a child! And you're RIGHT, today kids, OR SOME KIDS, don't even know HOW to write in cursive! The people at our School Board were SURPRISED when we had our kids tested (we homeschool) & they learned our children could write in cursive! It TRUELY IS going to be a LOST ART!!!!!!!! :) LOVE all the VINTAGE IMAGES!!!!!!!!!! :)


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