Sunday, August 15, 2010

Really Reasonable Ribbon Challenge #6

To see the winners from Challenge #5, please scroll down to the next post.

Our Challenge #6 theme is Aloha.

Here are some fun cards from our design team to get your creative juices flowing.

Cheryl uses many different styles of ribbon including white rosettes, wired edge sheer iridescent, lime leaves, silk which was used to create ribbon flowers, and some grosgrain on this sweet notebook.

Chupa made this great tropical card using 1.5" jute natural and 1/2" fuchsia wrinkled ribbon.

Erika used jute sting on this fabulous Hawaiian themed card.

Gini used several styles from our August Ribbon Club assortment on her great Aloha card.

Jacque used fuchsia silk to make a beautiful bow on her cute Hawaiian card.

Now, let's see your Aloha creations! The winner will receive a $10.00 gift certificate to Really Reasonable Ribbon.

Here's what you need to do:

* Create a new project using the posted theme. A card, layout, ATC, home dec item, hairbow, anything goes!

* All projects must also include some sort of ribbon/lace/trim.

* Post your project on your blog or an online gallery (using code RRR6) and link it here with the inlinkz tool below. Please provide a direct link to your post, not an entire blog.

* You have until August 31st at 5:00 PM Eastern time to enter your projects.

Thanks so much for playing and good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!
    Glad that you submitted!!!
    I love that layout!!


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