Sunday, August 15, 2010

Challenge #5 Winners

Challenge #5 with it's Black and White theme was our most popular challenge to date with oodles of great entries. What a difficult time we had making our selections!

The Top Three picks for Challenge #5 in no particular order are:

Rebekka R with this striking black and white round card. Just beautiful!

Dawn L. with this super layout of her son and future DIL. Great srappin' Dawn!

and Teresa B with this beautiful lacy, floral sympathy card.

Congratulations to our top 3 for a job well done. Grab your "I made the RRR Top 3" badge and display it with pride. You ladies did a fantastic job!

Now on to the winner of our Challenge #5 Black and White theme. You will receive a $10 gift certificate to use at the Really Reasonable Ribbon website.

The challenge winner is.............

KT Hom with this terrific black and white card with a huge splash of rainbow colors!! I just love how she uses the beautiful ribbons on this card. Awesome!!

KT, please contact us using the contact button at the top of the page and we'll get your gift certificate out to you.

Thanks so much for playing and I hope to see you all again for Challenge #6!


  1. Oh I was so excited to see my layout chosen...
    Congrats to the other winners. Great job ladies. I always enjoy all the inspiration.

  2. This is a great card ! Great job, love it.
    Greetings, Martina
    blogging since 2 weeks... Feel free to visit my fresh blog
    Have a great sunday !

  3. I can not believe I won :) doing the happy dance. :)

  4. Congrats to is a fabulous card! And all of the top cards are awesome...thanks for sharing your wonderful talents!


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