Friday, February 23, 2024

Stitched Easter Card & Bookmark

I think Easter has to be one of my most favorite holidays for crafting.  I just love all things pastel, soft and sweet, and of course.....covered in ribbons and bows.  Really Reasonable Ribbon always has the perfect trims and accents for every project I make.  They can help you find the perfect products and "special touches" for your next project as well.
I have always loved stitching dies, cross-stitching, and making various things than can incorporate my cross-stitching with my card-making.  This duo was a lot of fun to make.  I used corrugated cardboard for the base of both my card and the matching bookmark.  I like to use scraps of paper whenever possible.  Some are so cute that you just hate throwing them out, you know?  Here's an occasion to use them.
I used some Brushed Corduroy Ink to "stain" or "dirty" my lengths of Bay Leaf Seam Binding.  I also bundled some Natural Burlap String and placed atop the embroidery hoops as well as in the pretty bow where I tucked in a few Double Head Stamens.  There are so many soft sweet touches at Really Reasonable Ribbon.
I thought it would be a cute idea to make a matching bookmark for this sweet card.  I found both of the cross-stitch images on Pinterest.  All those wonderful layers are securely attached using lots of fabulous Scor-Tape.  There are several lengths of Green Apple Seam Binding hanging from the top of the bookmark.
Thanks so much for stopping by today.  I hope you'll visit the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog often for lots of great inspiration and then do some shopping at Really Reasonable Ribbon.  Treat yourself.   I hope you have a really great week.



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