Friday, January 15, 2021

Old Fashioned Valentine by Cherry Nelson

 Hello crafty friends and ribbon lovers!  Cherry here today to share a good old fashioned Valentine!  One with a nod to days gone by.  Those are my favorite type to create.  The Victorians really knew how to glam it up!  This card uses a lot of layers and dimension to create interest.  A mix of old and new.  The gold ribbons from Really Reasonable Ribbon make this card extra pretty! 


I love to mix up my pinks during this holiday.....adding in gold really makes those pinks pop.





This holiday like no other really hits home the handmade vibe....nothing is more special than a made by hand Valentine for those we hold dear.  Especially in this day and age.  I hope I have encouraged you to get your scissors out and do some fussy cutting like the Victorians!

XOXO, Cherry

Really Reasonable Ribbon-Old Gold shimmer satin ribbon


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