Friday, July 10, 2020

Not Mush to Say, But I Love You!

 Hello Crafty Friends, and Happy Friday to you all! Hope you all are doing well and staying safe! Like myself, I hope you are able to get some crafting done. So for today I have this darling card I designed for  Really Reasonable Ribbon & My Makers Movement, using using all ribbons and flowers from Really Reasonable Ribbon. I love that there are so many gorgeous flowers that they have to choose from.
 So for my card today I went with some old design papers I have in my stash, as lately I've been trying to pull from all those single sheets I  have hoarded over the years, and this mushroom design paper I thought would be perfect for the set "Not Mush to say" from Makers Movement. Love it!
I layered five layers using the design paper, and then stamped up my stamps and colored them with Copic markers. Next I cut out the little mushroom using the coordinating dies that are in this set. Love how cute he is. I also stamped the little stamp on the inside of my card as you can see below. I thought Really Reasonable Ribbon flowers would be a perfect addition to my card, so I added several different ones layered on the ribbons. I will list and link everything below for easy finding.
 I added a photo of the inside, as I've been trying to be sure to do all the insides of my cards.

Supplies Used:
Not Mush to say Stamp and Dies from My Makers Movement
Really Reasonable Ribbons flowers: Cottage Roses Mixed Blue tones, Cherry Blossoms Mixed Reds, Mixed Pink Open Roses 15mm, Mixed Blue tones Rose Buds, Aster Daisy Deep Ivory.
Really Reasonable Ribbons used are Checkered Satin in Mineral Ice , Plaid Ribbon Red.
Design papers are from my stash by Imaginisce twitterpated mushroom fancy design paper. The checkered paper im not sure who it is from as it was scraps.
Copics to color
Hot glue gun for flowers and ribbons,
RRR Scotch advanced refill tape , RRR foam tabs
Thank you for stopping by and have a lovely day!
Hugs to all,


  1. I ADORE THIS! Too cute! Colors and ribbons are FABULOUS!

  2. oh my goodness, did I ever smile when I saw this! absolutely adorable! :)

    1. Awww thank you so much Jennifer! I surely had fun making this card. Hugs


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