Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Shabby Chic Ice Skates Greeting Card

Hello, Ribbon Lovers!  I think every little girl dreams of being able to glide gracefully across the ice.  This shabby chic ice skates greeting card is as close to that experience as this old gal will ever get!  Even though I grew up in Vermont, ice skating was not a strong suit!  But that does not prevent me from enjoying these pretty ice skates adorned with gorgeous ribbons from the December Ribbon Club!

I love using ribbon to create a border on a greeting card.  Shell Print Aqua Satin over Mineral Ice Checkerboard Satin ribbon adds wonderful texture and shine to the layout of this card.  Tie a triple bow with the Aqua Shell Print Satin for a frosty finish!

Adding ribbon to the inside of a card is such a lovely surprise.  Mineral Ice Checkerboard Satin Ribbon serves as the closure for this little folio insert.

Here's a peek at the goodies tucked inside the folio.  These little card folios make great holiday gifts!

If you haven't taken a peek at the December Ribbon Club Assortment, you might want to because the Winter Carnival colors are  extra scrumptious this month!

Thanks for stopping by!


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