Thursday, March 1, 2018

Nature Sketchbook Mini Album

Hello there and happy Thursday to you. It's the first of the month so that means I get to share the first project I created using the Ribbon Club Assortment for March.
This is such a sweet springy mix.  As soon as I saw it I zeroed in on that gorgeous Diamond Satin because it just went so well with the Nature Sketchbook collection that was on my work desk.

I think you would agree that this is a match made in heaven right??? Also I may have gone a bit overboard on the flowers....nahhhhhh.
Those beautiful blooms from Wild Orchid Craft just coordinate so well!!!

Really Reasonable Ribbon~ March Ribbon Club Assortment, Cottage Roses, Trellis Roses, Chrysanthemums, Cherry Blossoms, Rose Buds, Spiral Stamens.

Please enjoy this flip through and process video on how I created this album...

Wishing everyone a happy and productive day : ) G

1 comment:

  1. Really stunning album!! Love Graphic 45 Nature's Sketchbook!!


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