Monday, March 5, 2018

For the Cherry Nelson

Hello paper peeps!!!  Cherry here at the RRR Blog.  This post is literally for the birds or about the birds.  Either way they are the perfect harkener to spring.

First a sweet tag with a dimensional house that I assembled and trimmed down to fit my tag. 
I covered it in papers and gave it a white wash effect with a chalkboard pen and a bit of Gesso.
 I used Baby Pink Stamens and both my projects used Baby Pink Seam Binding from Really Reasonable Ribbon.
 I have been enjoying the combination of pinks and yellows.  Such a sweet color combo in my opinion.
 My next project is an altered egg carton.  This would be so sweet to fill with chocolates as an Easter gift for a friend, child, or hostess.
 With March here...spring really should be in the air...but Oregon literally just seemed to get around to winter. 

Hope you enjoy!!!  Thanks for visiting the RRR blog today!  Cherry

1 comment:

  1. This is SO sweet, Cherry. I own many of these supplies, but I tend to hoard them. LOL You have really created some lovely pieces here, and of course, the Really Reasonable Ribbons make it extra special. Thanks for sharing your creativity.
    Karen Letchworth


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