Saturday, July 1, 2017

Butterfly & Birdcage Greeting Card

Happy first of the month Peeps! Are you ready to get happy? I am!!!! Because the theme for this months Ribbon Club Assortment is Perfectly Purple!!!!!!

Isn't it just divine??????  It inspired me to create very vintagy greeting card.
Uh huh....I's sooooo purply.
Extra poofy bow tucked into these pretty coordinating flowers. I've also added some Violet Burlap String and sisal.
And since you can't ever have enough purple or shiny things....sequins and Prills.
This card is finished inside with coordinating papers : )
I kept the pretty chipboard frame neutral by finishing it in sparkly white and it's just perfect to balance the darker colors of the ribbon and flowers.

Really Reasonable Ribbon Supplies~ Violet Burlap String, Perfectly Purple Ribbon Club Assortment , Tombow 3D foam Squares, Scor-Tape.

Okay that's all for me. wishing everyone a happy and productive day : ) G


  1. I am just salivating over here ... in a good way! This is so incredible stunning. And the purple makes me swoon. hehe Got to put this set on my wish list!

  2. This is so beautiful with all the layers and shades of purple!! Stunning!


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