Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Hope Easter Tag

Hello there Paper Peeps! I'm sharing a tag that I created to be an Easter gift.....without it being "too Eastery" so it can be displayed throughout the year and not taken down when the season is over.
I choose some pretty floral patterned paper and paired it with a coordinating plaid to be the background.

 Gorgeous trims and flowers to accent the focal image.

I chose to put the larger bow on the bottom but I still wanted to dress up the top of the tag and add some twine to display on a hook. Adding altered chipboard to the layers adds a lot of texture.
Last but not least a simple sentiment popped up on foam spacers.

Really Reasonable Ribbon Supplies~ Light Blue Chevron Twill, Natural Burlap String, Molly Crocheted Lace.

Wishing everyone a happy and productive day : ) G

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