Monday, August 15, 2016

Creepy Crawly Monday...

Cherry here for a quick post today on Really Reasonable Ribbon.  It's we need something to get our mojo going! Am I right?
How about this creepy crawly..........he is gonna get you.....grab your coffee fast!  You will need your energy to fight him off!
It's okay, I think the cute Halloween kids have it all under control.  I used all kinds of goodies on this altered piece....starting with a chipboard base....I added die cuts, paper, fall leaves, glitter stars for my base, image, burnt rust seam binding, black licorice bakers twine and lots of berries and bells!  Anything that suits my fancy!!!  Go big or go home...right?
Sooooo that is it for to clean and prepare for our upcoming vacation.  It is fast approaching.  Thanks for visiting me here at the RRR blog today!  Cherry


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