Monday, July 25, 2016

Winking Owls..

Hi guys!  Happy Monday!  Cherry here to share a couple of cards today! 
  All about things that go bump in the night....
Winking owls and wide eyed jack o's all good!  I used burnt rust seam binding from Really Reasonable Ribbon to embellish....
and a little bit of black licorice twine.  I added in my buttons and layers using 3d foam tabs for dimension.  And that was that....what do you think?

Are you ready for Fall?  I am if I can make holiday cards but keep the sunshine!  Well folks, that is it for me always thanks for visiting the RRR blog!  hugs, cherry


  1. An adorable Halloween card. Especially love the winking owl. Hugs

  2. An adorable Halloween card. Especially love the winking owl. Hugs


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