Saturday, July 16, 2016

Something Wicked

Hi guys!  Happy Saturday! Cherry here to share a little card embellished with pretty ribbon from Really Reasonable Ribbon.
 I couldn't wait any longer and had to create something for Halloween.   I used the purple delicate stitched satin from this month's ribbon club assortment.  It makes a gorgeous bow.  You can't see, but I wrapped it completely around the card.
I added Petaloo blooms, a fussy cut image from Graphic 45 and Crate papers.
Thanks for letting me share.  Enjoy your Saturday!   Cherry


  1. Cherry: Beautiful Halloween card and this purple ribbon and trim really goes well with your paper. Just beautiful. Hugs

  2. Cherry: Beautiful Halloween card and this purple ribbon and trim really goes well with your paper. Just beautiful. Hugs


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