Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wooden Ribbon Stand

Hello everyone, and Happy Tuesday! Cheryl here with a Super FUN Wooden Ribbon Stand( HOLDER) decorated for Really Reasonable Ribbon! I had my husband make me 2 of these stands, and thought how fun to decorate using Really Reasonable Ribbon items. I love having the ribbon on these as I no longer have a big mess on my work station. You can add what you need to them for a project, and it's all in one place, not scattered about your work space...hehehehe
 So we started with picking the bases out, and a dowel. Next I painted them white, and added some beautiful Grosgrain Polka Dot Ribbon, and Red Mini Ric Rac around the base. Next I took the Moss Green Seam binding and ruched it up for greenery, and then added some Sweetheart Blossoms, and 2 Lipstick Red Seam Binding flowers I created.
 These stands are perfect for holding the spools from Really Reasonable Ribbon, and I am so glad to have these now, as I always have tons of spools all over my work station, and this way I can have them all on this. Makes crafting much easier, and these are very cheap to make!

I hope you enjoyed my post for today, thank you for looking and PLEASE let me know what you think!!
hugs to all,


  1. That looks so pretty Cheryl. I love the way you decorated the stand. I can imagine that you have a lot of beautiful stands. A LOT in your studio.

  2. Wonderful purposeful creation. Looks like something to put on my hubby's to do list. Have a Bee-utiful day!
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. they are so handy my hubby made me two of them a few yrs ago ..


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