Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just Say "Thanks"

Welcome back to the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog, everyone!  It's Karen Letchworth here today sharing a simple thank you card.  Saying "thanks" can mean SO much to someone.  Never underestimate how much it might mean to someone to hear that one simple little word.   I try my best to send a thank you note every time someone does something kind for me just to express my gratitude, and to let them know how grateful I am for the "little things".  Sometimes a person will say, "it was no big deal"; but in reality they feel very touched that you've taken the time to thank them.  Really Reasonable Ribbon has so many great ribbons, trims, and flowers to help you make a fabulous card to tell someone "thanks".
I recently ordered some of the Teal Baker's Twine from Really Reasonable Ribbon (among other things), and I just wanted to create a card to show you all how much a simple trim like baker's twine can add to a card.  Really Reasonable Ribbon carries 40 different colors of Baker's Twine, and they're all GORGEOUS and really add that special touch.
I created this card with some scraps of patterned paper that I attached together using my Scor-Tape (and this fabulous adhesive comes in a variety of different widths for various projects).  Next, I stamped a background stamp onto a small glassine bag that I attached to the card. I added a small piece of washi tape, a stamped mini tag with a tiny tea-stained wooden clothespin, some sequins, and a tag tucked into the glassine bag.  Then, I ran a nice long length of the beautiful Teal Baker's Twine around my card, and also ran the Teal Baker's Twine through a coordinating teal button and tied a bow with it.
I also used the Scor-Tape to attach my sequins, my tiny tag with the tea-stained clothespin, glassine bag, and the doily.  Scor-Tape is an amazing adhesive that really sticks well to pretty much everything.  This photo (above) also reallly shows you how beautiful that Teal Baker's Twine really is.

I really encourage you to pick up some Baker's Twine from Really Reasonable Ribbon.  You can get a 10-yard roll of Baker's Twine (in any color) for just ONE DOLLAR.  That means if you spent just $40, you could get 400 yards of baker's twine (ten yards of each of their 40 gorgeous colors).  What a bargain!  This lovely trim is so versatile, and always adds just the right accent to any card or project, and is great for tying on buttons, stringing through tags, and using to beautifully accent your artwork in a soft, sweet way that really adds a special touch.

We also invite you to stop by the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog to play along in our CURRENT CHALLENGE.  We love seeing your creativity, and hope that you will link up your cards and projects in our challenge.  We'd love to see how you use your baker's twine, ribbons and trims.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderfully creative week.
Karen Letchworth and the RRR Crew

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