Tuesday, April 26, 2016

More Than All the Fish in the Sea

More Than All the Fish in the Sea Birthday Card with Graphic 45 Voyage Beneath the Sea

Hello, Ribbon Lovers! Kathy here with some gorgeous seam binding ribbon and a great card to share with you today.
More than all the fish in the sea birthday card Kathy by Design 01
Making cards for "tweens" can be a real challenge. They're too old for cutsie wootsie themes, and young enough that they want to receive a card that's hip and cool. I think I might have found the perfect remedy for this dilemma! Graphic 45's Voyage Beneath the Sea collection is filled with fun images and a steampunk vibe that fills the bill perfectly. See what you think of this More Than All the Fish in the Sea Birthday card with pockets.

This vibrant color palette is a perfect match for Really Reasonable Ribbon Seam Binding. This double layer bow pops off the page with rich Noble Peacock Seam Binding and vivid Orange Seam Binding. It's a color pairing that even a mermaid would love! The bows were a cinch to tie with the help of my Zutter Bow-it-All-Tool. I don't know what I would do without it! Bonnie has it on sale, so now is a great time to check it out, along with all the great ribbon tying tutorials on YouTube.
More than all the fish in the sea birthday card Kathy by Design 02

This copper starfish charm really catches the eye when topped with the same beautiful ribbons. By the way, seam binding is one of the easiest ribbons to work with, so if you are just beginning your ribbon tying journey, you might want to give it a try. You can find it in a rainbow of colors at Really Reasonable Ribbon. I buy the white and cream by the spool so I can custom dye it to match any project.
More than all the fish in the sea birthday card Kathy by Design 03

The party continues inside the card where I've layered more gorgeous papers and added a little gift envelope that's just the right size to hold a cash gift, earrings or other small treasure. I just love how these colors work together to create a sunny, happy birthday card that would work for tweens, teens and adults alike.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Just beautiful and love the detailed layers. The star fish and picture is gorgeous. Beautiful card.

  2. Lovely, so nice how the ribbons go perfectly with the papers.


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