Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bundle of Joy Mini Album

Hey there, ribbon lovers!  It's Karen Letchworth here today sharing a sweet Baby Mini Album I created using LOTS of great ribbons and trims from Really Reasonable Ribbon.  My album has eight (8) pages in total, but I'm only sharing the pages here that have ribbons on them.  If you'd like to see the additional pages, you're most welcome to visit my blog, My Cup Runneth Over, to take a quick peek.
The cover of this album is sweetly adorned with Juliet Natural Crochet Lace, some Rose Petal Seam Binding and a nice long length of Ivory Burlap String.  It also has patterned papers, stickers, and a few other goodies to make it look soft and sweet.  Really Reasonable Ribbon has SO many soft, sweet trims for making baby albums.
The second page has a bow made from White Seam Binding which is also just so simple, while still super soft and sweet.  Really Reasonable Ribbon carries 24 gorgeous colors of Seam Binding so that you're sure to find just the perfect color(s) for your next project.  And at just $0.30/yard, it's priced just right so that you can get every color you need without hurting your pocketbook.
Page number three carries on the same soft, sweet theme, and is adorned with Bay Leaf Seam Binding (one of my personal favorites), as well as a length of Burlap Center Stitched Ribbon in Brown that I attached to a tag in a photo pocket.
The next page (page number four) has a sweet little bow made from Soapstone Seam Binding.  This is another really great color because it can look more brown when placed with natural papers and embellishments, and can yet appear a tad bit pink when set next to the pink background.  That made the lovely Soapstone Seam Binding the perfect choice for this page with tan and pink mixed together.
The adjacent page is a very simple photo mat page, and it has the AWESOME Natural Burlap String wrapped around it several times, and holds a tiny little tag.  This is another one of my Really Reasonable Ribbon favorites.

The last three pages don't have any ribbons or trims (BOO!!!), but I have posted them on my blog if you're interested in seeing them.  We're all SO grateful to have you stop by today; and we REALLY hope that you will join our current challenge taking place now.  You can check it out right here on this link for the CURRENT CHALLENGE.

Happy crafting!       -Karen


  1. Oh my...what a beautiful album! Love the colors and ribbons used!

  2. Love the ribbons and beautiful album. The owl and bird is very cute. Gorgeous card.

  3. So beautiful and creative is your album as always you are so talented in lots of crafty ways x

  4. What a precious album, Karen! Love how you've designed all the pages! Super cute embellies!

  5. What a precious album, Karen! Love how you've designed all the pages! Super cute embellies!


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