Saturday, March 28, 2015

Repurpose a Fun Frame with Ribbons

Hi everyone, it's Teresa here for with a quick post for this month to repurpose a cute frame that I got at Michaels recently.  I found this beautiful Wired Woven Check Ribbon  on the website and new I needed to try it and I had to do something fun with it. So I gathered up some things I had in my stash and had fun playing.

The frame was already painted and distressed so I thought it would be fun to add some buttons all around the edges of the frame and then finish it with a really pretty bow made with the wired ribbon
and some seam binding ribbon that I misted and scrunched in the center of it. 

It's simple and easy and now I can find a cute picture of my family to put inside.

Thanks so much for stopping by today :)


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