Thursday, October 31, 2013

Creativity by Tracey Sabella

Hi everyone, it's Tracey with my final post for Really Reasonable Ribbon. I'd like to thank Bonnie for the wonderful opportunity to work with her amazing ribbon and other products here on the RRR Design Team. 
Creativity has always been an important part of my life. Even as a little girl, I could be found sewing up clothes for my dolls or crocheting little book marks. Paper crafting has been a fabulous creative outlet for me. This layout is about how creativity is my happy place and features Really Reasonable Ribbon Seam Binding, Wild Orchid Craft Flowers, and adhesives
Really Reasonable Ribbon Products:
Seam Binding ~ White 1/2"
White Crochet Lace ~ May Arts 3/8"
Wild Orchid Crafts Mulberry Flowers ~ 20mm Open Roses - White
Wild Orchid Crafts Mulberry Flowers ~ 25mm Cottage Rose - Mixed White/Cream
Wild Orchid Crafts Mulberry Flowers ~ Cherry Blossoms - White/Cream
Wild Orchid Crafts Mulberry Flowers ~ Chrysanthemums - Mixed Pink/White
Wild Orchid Crafts Mulberry Flowers ~ Cosmos Daisy Stem Flowers - Pink/White
Tips and Techniques:
I created this bow using White Seam Binding and my Zutter Bow-it-All. My tutorial for coloring and wrinkling seam binding can be found here. Bonnie has a couple wonderful and easy to understand video tutorials showing how to created gorgeous bows using the Bow-it-All. She is also giving away a Bow-it-All!! Stop by this blog post for video links and to enter the drawing with Rafflecopter:
Bow-it-All Giveaway and Video Links
I used a mix of flowers from Really Reasonable Ribbon and my stash. Here you can see the 20mm White Open Rose and Chrysanthemum. I dry brushed most of my flowers and metal flourish with gesso. 
You can see my mixed media background where I've stenciled, misted and brushed with gesso. The gorgeous Dusty Attic Ornate Gate was simply painted with white spray gesso. 
More Really Reasonable Ribbon Flowers ~ Chrysanthemum, Cottage Rose, and Open Rose. I've been trying to use up items from my stash and here you can see these sweet epoxy stickers that I tucked around this cluster. I tucked in some White Crochet Lace below and above my photo. Scor-Tape works beautifully for adhering lace and ribbon!! 

I painted this butterfly chipboard piece with metallic paints and dry brushed with gesso. The metal piece is also brushed with gesso. This cluster features Chrysanthemums, Cherry Blossom, Cosmos, and a sweet Open Rose

I hope you've been inspired to grab your RRR ribbon and flowers and create a layout or card today!! 

Don't forget to check out this post for the details on how you can enter to win a Bow-it-All:

~ Blessings ~


  1. Gorgeous!
    I like this a lot!

  2. What a beautiful layout Tracey. Just gorgeous. I'm sorry to see you go, but I will keep up with your creativity on your blog. We will miss having you on the RRR DT!!

  3. This is just gorgeous!!! The colors are so pretty, with all of the flowers- like a garden. I will have to follow your blog :)

  4. What a beautiful page! I just love the soft colors.

    Snoopy :D


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