Monday, September 30, 2013

Grungy Jute Rope and Burlap Flower Tutorials by Tracey Sabella

It's Tracey here to share a double tutorial for you. I love coming up with grungy masculine flowers I can use on my guy pages and want to share a couple with you today featuring natural fibers from the Really Reasonable Ribbon Store seen on this layout I recently created for Donna Salazar Designs.

"My Hero"

Really Reasonable Ribbon Products:
Grungy Jute Rope and Burlap Flower Tutorials

I created two similar flowers made from two different natural fiber products from RRR.


Circle punches
Cardstock coordinating with fiber of choice
Helmar Fabric Glue
Mix'd Media Inx CHOX Midnight (Not pictured)
Vintage screws, washers, and hex nuts (Not pictured)

Grungy Coiled Jute Rope Flower Tutorial

Step 1. Punch one circle for each flower from coordinating cardstock. For this natural color jute rope, I used kraft cardstock. For the jute rope flower I used a 1 inch circle.

Step 2. Apply Fabric Glue to top of cardstock circle.

Step 3. Coil the jute rope in your fingers until it is approximately the same diameter as your 1 inch circle.

Step 4. Lay the coil on the glue covered cardstock circle.

Step 5. Wrap the end to the back and glue in place.

Step 6. Add small screw or other embellishment to center of flower. 

Step 7. Apply black ink to flower.

Completed flower

Grungy Rolled Burlap Flower Tutorial

Step 1. Punch one circle for each flower from coordinating cardstock. For this natural color 
Burlap Woven Ribbon, I used kraft cardstock punched with a 1.5 inch circle.

Step 2. Glue the end of the Burlap Woven Ribbon to the center of the cardstock circle.

Step 3. Twist the burlap ribbon and coil around the center, gluing down as you go.

Step 4. Continue to twist, coil and glue until the entire cardstock circle is covered.

Step 5. Wrap the end to the back and glue in place.

Step 6. Add small vintage nuts and washers or other embellishments to center of flower. 

Step 7. Apply black ink to flower.

Completed Flower

Thanks for stopping by for my tutorial!! I hope you'll give these grungy guy flowers a try. For more details and close-ups for "My Hero" including a tutorial for the Grungy Gear Flowers you can go here

~ Blessings ~


  1. Absolutely brilliant tutorial and great results too x

  2. These are absolutely fabulous Tracey. Thanks so much for sharing the tutorial and I just love you layout!

  3. I like this .. more rustic and less pretty. Nice idea!

  4. These would be SO great for masculine cards! Thanks bunches!

    Snoopy :D

  5. great tutorial tracey, perfect layout and nice showcasing of the ribbon

  6. Beautiful Tracey!!


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