Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Girl Has To Do....

For the RRR April Blog Hop, please click HERE.
What a Girl Has TO Do!!!

So today is Sunday, April 14th. 
 To many people, it is a day for spiritual healing...for others it is a day of rest.  
For me, however, today marks the final 48 hour time crunch for tax preparation and I am going to be SWAMPED in the tax office! 
Millions of people across the nation will be looking for those last minute tax documents and of course, the much needed tax breaks. 

This last week I have been drowning in tax files.  One after another, the people come to me needing their taxes filed, and I do it.  
Last night as a matter of fact...My whole family was at a Bar-B-Que and I was stuck in the tax office.  I had gone in at 9 am and did not get home until after midnight. 
When the 15th rolls around, I am going to be counting those hours until I can run as fast as I can and not look back! 

I will be soaking in a hot bath with a sign outside the door...

If I feel this way, I know that the other ladies in my office feel the same way.
I made this little card for my sister in law, who happens to work right along beside me.
It says:
A girl has to do what a girl has to do!

 I used 

I love the image of the woman soaking in the tub!  
Too stinkin' cute! 
She even reminds me of my sister in law! 
I am going to give her this card and a bottle of wine on Monday and tell her she better make use of it!  LOL  I know I WOULD!!!! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Relaxing Sunday! 
Think of me stuck in front of a computer crunching


  1. What a wonderful card Misty. Hang in there, the 16th will be here soon!! :)

  2. That's a really sweet card Misty. I hope you enjoy your much needed break.

  3. One of my brother-in-laws is a CPA and one of my sister-in-laws is a tax preparer so I know a little of what you are going through. As a matter of fact that is how we chose our wedding date. It was the first Saturday after tax day. lol. It was the only way my sis and her hubs could come 33 years ago.


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