Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cupcake Card


I will have to keep this very short and sweet.  I have had major computer problems, as in my computer dying a slow painful  death.   The toast...whatever that is.    As we speak I am using a new computer for the first time...very first time with windows 8 and I am frazzled. 

I am lucky I was able to download this one here is my project...a cupcake card using Pink Seam Binding from Really Reasonable Ribbon
I am pretty sure right now I am going to become Amish...cherry


  1. Adorable! Best wishes with the new computer.

  2. Sweet card! And I feel your pain, I'm so not good with computer issues.

  3. Adorable card Cherry! I feel your pain as far as the computer issues go. I'm very resistant to change and I don't like having to learn new operating systems. I'm sure you will love it once you get used to it though.
    PS - I threw some links in for you. :) Have a great Sunday.

  4. Oh Cherry I so identify with the whole computer thing! Hoping it gets better and easier quickly! Your cupcake card is adorable!
    Take care!

  5. awesome card...and hang in there... when my laptop just up and died, i ran out to best buy and bought the first one that fit what i needed... the worst part was coming home and installing all my software, learning all the new codes, programs and just setting it up... at least once you are done hopefully you will have it for a long time... invest in great virus ware... it helps ...

  6. very cute sherry..... i fear your pain
    ava g

  7. So stinkin cute.

    Karen B.

  8. Love this cup cake card! Really just adorable : ) Sorry to hear about your computer issues : (


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